Kleinner Silva Farias

Soluções baseadas em Aprendizagem de Máquina e Fog Computing para Gerenciamento Eficiente da Infraestrutura de Cidades Inteligentes

Descrição: Este projeto de pesquisa visa não apenas abordar temas que apresentam relevânciado ponto de vista científico, mas também fornecer uma contribuição para a sociedade.Esse benefício social será dado através de desenvolvimento de tecnologias com possibilidade de aplicação pelas populações das cidades, a partir da implementação doconceito de cidades inteligentes. Do ponto de vista puramente [...]

AVANTE – Avaliação e Evolução de Técnicas Contemporâneas para Composição de Modelos de Software

Descrição: Modelos de projeto de software são usualmente criados para potencializar a compreensão e documentação de decisões de projeto. Esses modelos são alterados em paralelo por diferentes times de desenvolvimento, levando a problemas de alterações conflitantes que precisam ser detectadas e resolvidas de forma adequada. Várias técnicas de integração de modelos já foram desenvolvidas para [...]

Integration of feature models: A systematic mapping study

Context The integration of feature models has been widely investigated in the last decades, given its pivotal role for supporting the evolution of software product lines. Unfortunately, academia and industry have overlooked the production of a thematic analysis of the current literature. Hence, a thorough understanding of the state-of-the-art works remains still limited. Objective This [...]

An Algorithm for Distance Calculation Between UML Sequence Diagrams

The measure of distance between UML diagrams is a crucial step to support the integration of UML sequence diagrams. This distance is used for measuring the difference between two sequences messages exchanged by objects. Even though UML sequence diagram is widely used, nothing has been done to support to find matches for short sequence of [...]

BRCode: An interpretive model-driven engineering approach for enterprise applications

Many model-driven engineering (MDE) approaches have been proposed in recent studies. They claim to improve software quality and productivity by raising the abstraction level at which developers work. However, they often fall short of what was expected in terms of productivity, profitability, and Return on Investment in real-world scenarios. This article proposes BRCode, which is [...]

ProWine – um Modelo para Detecção e Predição de Doenças em Vinhedo

Descrição: As doenças em videiras são um grande desafio no setor da viticultura, causando perdas econômicas expressivas. Várias técnicas têm sido propostas nas últimas décadas, incluindo as baseadas em sensores multiespectrais, umidade, temperatura e processamento de imagens. Porém, tais técnicas ainda são imprecisas para detectar doenças assintomáticas nos vinhedos, bem como fazer predições de doenças [...]

A Última Década do Uso de Internet das Coisas Durante a Triagem de Pacientes no Departamento de Emergência – Um Mapeamento Sistemático

This article presents a systematic mapping of the literature on patient triage in the emergency department of hospitals using the smart devices of the Internet of Things. Method: For this, 533 articles were found in several sources of research; Where, after applying exclusion criteria, there were 16 articles were further analyzed. Result: We identified that [...]

Modeling Composition of UML Profiles with Alloy

Global software development teams can collaboratively create Unified Modeling Language (UML) profiles, the primary mechanism for defining domain-specific variants on top of the UML. Usually, parts of UML profiles are separately elaborated to speed up the UML tailoring process, but at sometimes the parts built in parallel need to be brought together to construct a [...]

CollabRDL: A language to coordinate collaborative reuse

Coordinating software reuse activities is a complex problem when considering collaborative software development. This is mainly motivated due to the difficulty in specifying how the artifacts and the knowledge produced in previous projects can be applied in future ones. In addition, modern software systems are developed in group working in separate geographical locations. Therefore, techniques [...]

Personal Health Records: A Systematic Literature Review

Information and communication technology (ICT) has transformed the health care field worldwide. One of the main drivers of this change is the electronic health record (EHR). However, there are still open issues and challenges because the EHR usually reflects the partial view of a health care provider without the ability for patients to control or [...]

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