We integrate, for the first time in the literature, the following ingredients to deal with emerging dynamic spectrum management (DSM) problem in heterogeneous wireless sensors and actuators networks (WSANs), Internet of things (IoT) and Wi-Fi: (i) named-based routing to provide provenance and location-independent access to control plane; (ii) temporary storage of control data for efficient and cohesive control dissemination, as well as asynchronous communication between software-controllers and devices; (iii) contract-based control to improve trust-ability of actions; (iv) service-defined configuration of wireless devices, approximating their configurations to real services needs. The work is implemented using NovaGenesis architecture and a proof-of-concept is evaluated in a real scenario, demonstrating our approach to automate radio frequency channel optimization in Wi-Fi and IEEE 802.15.4 networks in the 2.4 GHz bands. An integrated cognitive radio system provides the dual-mode best channel indications for novel DSM services in NovaGenesis. By reconfiguring Wi-Fi/IoT devices to best channels, the proposed solution more than doubles the network throughput, when compared to the case of mutual interference. Therefore, environments equipped with the proposal provide enhanced performance to their users.