This article proposes a model of a context-aware system, called DeCom, to support competence management. The model considers the profiles of employees in organizations and the contexts in which they are involved, looking for opportunities to help them to develop their competences. DeCom proposes a Context Model organized into five categories, which enable the mapping of employees’ mobility and development, using context-based information (people, events and other resources). Moreover, the model proposes a Competence Model specifically oriented towards contexts. A case study involving an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) vendor enabled data collection based on realistic scenarios. The model was implemented based on multiplatform programming for mobile devices. This prototype and the case study were used in an evaluation involving the IT manager from the ERP vendor. The specialized evaluator executed eight scenarios to test the functionalities of DeCom. The article discussed the result of this evaluation and describes three scenarios in detail to better demonstrate how DeCom explores the employee’s context in a business environment. Moreover, the article summarizes an acceptance evaluation conducted with twenty-one volunteers to test the DeCom’s usability. The results were encouraging and show the potential for implementing DeCom as a tool to foster the competence management in organizations and to support corporate education activities.
DeCom: A model for context-aware competence management
Por Fernanda Soares da Silva|2019-09-05T11:37:40-03:00janeiro 1st, 2015|Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Sandro José Rigo|Comentários desativados em DeCom: A model for context-aware competence management