
Pipel: Exploiting Resource Reorganization to Optimize Performance of Pipeline-Structured Applications in the Cloud

Workflow has become a standard for many scientific applications that are characterized by a collection of processing elements and an arbitrary communication among them. In particular, a pipeline application is a type of workflow that receives a set of tasks, which must pass through all processing elements (also named here as stages) in a linear [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:13-03:00janeiro 1st, 2019|Cristiano André da Costa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Vinicius Facco Rodrigues|Comentários desativados em Pipel: Exploiting Resource Reorganization to Optimize Performance of Pipeline-Structured Applications in the Cloud

Toward analyzing mutual interference on infrared-enabled depth cameras

Camera setups with multiple devices are a key aspect of ambient monitoring applications. These types of setups can result in data corruption when applied to recent RGB-D camera models because of mutual interference of the infrared light emitters employed by such devices. Consequently, the behavior of such interference must be appropriately evaluated to provide data [...]

A lightweight plug-and-play elasticity service for self-organizing resource provisioning on parallel applications

Today cloud elasticity can bring benefits to parallel applications, besides the traditional targets including Web and critical-business demands. This consists in adapting the number of resources and processes at runtime, so users do not need to worry about the best choice for them beforehand. To accomplish this, the most common approaches use threshold-based reactive elasticity [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:17-03:00janeiro 1st, 2018|Cristiano André da Costa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Vinicius Facco Rodrigues|Comentários desativados em A lightweight plug-and-play elasticity service for self-organizing resource provisioning on parallel applications

A Survey of Sensors in Healthcare Workflow Monitoring

Activities of a clinical staff in healthcare environments must regularly be adapted to new treatment methods, medications, and technologies. This constant evolution requires the monitoring of the workflow, or the sequence of actions from actors involved in a procedure, to ensure quality of medical services. In this context, recent advances in sensing technologies, including Real-time [...]

MigPF: Towards on self-organizing process rescheduling of Bulk-Synchronous Parallel applications

Migration is a known technique to offer process rescheduling, being especially pertinent for Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) programs. Such programs are organized in a set of supersteps, in which the slowest process always determines the synchronization time. This approach motivated us to develop a first model called MigBSP, which combines computation, communication, and migration costs metrics [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:18-03:00janeiro 1st, 2018|Cristiano André da Costa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Vinicius Facco Rodrigues|Comentários desativados em MigPF: Towards on self-organizing process rescheduling of Bulk-Synchronous Parallel applications

MMEliot: Um Modelo para Internet das Coisas Explorando a Elasticidade da Computação em Nuvem

Atualmente, a adoção de tecnologias relacionadas à Internet das Coisas vem aumentando gradativamente. Devido a isso, cada vez mais são exigidas altas demandas de computação para tratar volumes grandes de dados. Como solução, a Computação em Nuvem se mostra promissora para suprir tais necessidades. Neste contexto, este artigo apresenta um modelo de elasticidade em nuvem [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:22:04-03:00janeiro 1st, 2017|Cristiano André da Costa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Vinicius Facco Rodrigues|Comentários desativados em MMEliot: Um Modelo para Internet das Coisas Explorando a Elasticidade da Computação em Nuvem

Towards Enabling Live Thresholding as Utility to Manage Elastic Master-Slave Applications in the Cloud

The elasticity feature of cloud computing has been proved as pertinent for parallel applications, since users do not need to take care about the best choice for the number of processes/resources beforehand. To accomplish this, the most common approaches use threshold-based reactive elasticity or time-consuming proactive elasticity. However, both present at least one problem related [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:25-03:00janeiro 1st, 2017|Cristiano André da Costa, Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Vinicius Facco Rodrigues|Comentários desativados em Towards Enabling Live Thresholding as Utility to Manage Elastic Master-Slave Applications in the Cloud

Brokel: Towards enabling multi-level cloud elasticity on publish/subscribe brokers

Internet of Things networks together with the data that flow between networked smart devices are growing at unprecedented rates. Often brokers, or intermediaries nodes, combined with the publish/subscribe communication model represent one of the most used strategies to enable Internet of Things applications. At scalability viewpoint, cloud computing and its main feature named resource elasticity [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:27-03:00janeiro 1st, 2017|Cristiano André da Costa, Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Vinicius Facco Rodrigues|Comentários desativados em Brokel: Towards enabling multi-level cloud elasticity on publish/subscribe brokers

On providing on-the-fly resizing of the elasticity grain when executing HPC applications in the cloud.

  International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering

Por |2019-03-18T08:22:43-03:00janeiro 1st, 2017|Cristiano André da Costa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Vinicius Facco Rodrigues|Comentários desativados em On providing on-the-fly resizing of the elasticity grain when executing HPC applications in the cloud.

AutoElastic: Automatic Resource Elasticity for High Performance Applications in the Cloud

Elasticity is undoubtedly one of the most striking characteristics of cloud computing. Especially in the area of high performance computing (HPC), elasticity can be used to execute irregular and CPU-intensive applications. However, the on- the-fly increase/decrease in resources is more widespread in Web systems, which have their own IaaS-level load balancer. Considering the HPC area, [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:25:13-03:00janeiro 1st, 2016|Cristiano André da Costa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Vinicius Facco Rodrigues|Comentários desativados em AutoElastic: Automatic Resource Elasticity for High Performance Applications in the Cloud
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