Sandro José Rigo

Assistive Robotics: Adaptive Multimodal Interaction Improving People with Communication Disorders

A significant portion of the Brazilian population consists of people with hearing or visual impairment. Multimodal interaction systems do not suit the needs of a mixed audience, since they are designed for a specific user profile. We propose a model for a Multimodal Human Computer Interaction System (MMHCI) based on services, embedded on an assistive [...]

RecSim: A Model for Learning Objects Recommendation using Similarity of Sessions

A learning object (LO) is any entity or resource that can be used in computer-aided learning. This can take the form of text, multimedia content, presentations, programs or any other type of digital content, generally made available through web portals or distance learning systems. The LOs consulted by a student while accessing such portals are [...]

Safetrail: Um Modelo para Controle de Acesso baseado em Perfis, Contextos e Trilhas

A computação móvel, a cada dia, está mais difundida, verificando-se uma quantidade crescente de pessoas utilizando seus recursos e interagindo a partir de seus dispositivos, de qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento. Muitas dessas interações envolvem informações e conteúdos confidenciais ou restritos, o que exige um nível de segurança para proteção dos usuários e de [...]

The role of a cognitive based model in multimodal interaction systems dialogue management

Researchers, in Multimodal Interaction Systems, devote substantial effort to the integration of external stimulus and signal, to the internal representation of this information and to the response generation. Nevertheless, they focus less effort on how to integrate studies in Cognitive Psychology regarding the human interaction subject. Therefore, it becomes interesting to evaluate the assumption that [...]

A model for learning objects adaptation in light of mobile and context-aware computing

The growth usage of mobile technologies and devices such as smartphones and tablets, and the almost ubiquitous wireless communication set the stage for the development of novel kinds of applications. One possibility is exploiting this scenario in the field of education, so creating more intelligent, flexible and customizable systems. Mobile devices can be used to [...]

Certografia: um corretor ortográfico automático para português e resultados de um estudo de caso aplicado na área jurídica

As ferramentas desenvolvidas com recursos de Processamento de Linguagem Natural apresentam crescentes possibilidades de apoiar trabalhos em diversas áreas. Uma das atividades em que este tipo de ferramenta pode ser bastante útil é a correção ortográfica. Entretanto ainda são escassos trabalhos desse tipo voltados à língua portuguesa. Neste trabalho, é apresentado o Certografia, um sistema [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:25:15-03:00janeiro 1st, 2015|Publicações, Publicações, Sandro José Rigo|0 Comentários

REBASS: Um Modelo para Recomendação de Objetos de Aprendizagem Utilizando Similaridade de Sessões

Um Objeto de Aprendizagem (OA) é qualquer entidade ou recurso que possa ser utilizado no aprendizado auxiliado por computador. Podem ser textos, conteúdo multimídia, apresentações, programas ou qualquer outro tipo de conteúdo digital, normalmente disponibilizados em portais Web ou em sistemas de Ensino A Distância (EAD). Os OAs consultados por um aluno durante uma sessão [...]

A Linguistic Approach to Identify the Affective Dimension Expressed in Textual Messages

The digital mediation resources used in Distance Education can hinder the teacher's perception about the student's state of mind. However, the textual expression in natural language is widely encouraged in most Distance Education courses, through the use of Virtual Learning Environments and other digital tools. This fact has motivated research efforts in order to identify [...]

Dropout Prediction and Reduction in Distance Education Courses with the Learning Analytics Multitrail Approach

Distance Education courses are present in large number of educational institutions. Virtual Learning Environments development contributes to this wide adoption of Distance Education modality and allows new pedagogical methodologies. However, dropout rates observed in these courses are very expressive, both in public and private educational institutions. This paper presents a Learning Analytics system developed to [...]

U-Library: An Intelligent Model for Ubiquitous Library Support

Ubiquitous computing aims to make tasks that depend on computing transparent to the users, providing resources and services anytime and anywhere. Currently, libraries have sought to position themselves closer to their users, by adopting ubiquitous technologies. This paper presents an intelligent model to support ubiquitous libraries called U-Library. U-Library specification focuses on relevant aspects to [...]

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