
Analisando o Estado-da-Arte dos Controllers SDN para a Unificação das camadas Óptica e de Pacotes em redes de Telecomunicações

A partir da entrada de novas tecnologias, redes de telecomunicações estão em constante evolução  e aprimoramento, muitas vezes impulsionadas pelo mercado ou por necessidades apresentadas em projetos das redes em operação. Dentre as atuais evoluções, a tecnologia Software-Defined Networking (SDN) possui forte perspectiva de transformação nas redes de telecomunicações. Em particular, SDN pode atuar na [...]

AgriPrediction: A proactive internet of things model to anticipate problems and improve production in agricultural crops

One of the significant challenges for the future is to guarantee food for all inhabitants of the planet. One of the alternatives for this issue consists in increasing the production, but to accomplish this, it is necessary that innovative options be applied to enhance the soil capacity and the protection of environmental resources. In this [...]

Internet of Health Things: Toward intelligent vital signs monitoring in hospital wards

BACKGROUND: Large amounts of patient data are routinely manually collected in hospitals by using standalone medical devices, including vital signs. Such data is sometimes stored in spreadsheets, not forming part of patients' electronic health records, and is therefore difficult for caregivers to combine and analyze. One possible solution to overcome these limitations is the interconnection [...]

NovaGenesis Applied to Information-Centric, Service-Defined, Trustable IoT/WSAN Control Plane and Spectrum Management

We integrate, for the first time in the literature, the following ingredients to deal with emerging dynamic spectrum management (DSM) problem in heterogeneous wireless sensors and actuators networks (WSANs), Internet of things (IoT) and Wi-Fi: (i) named-based routing to provide provenance and location-independent access to control plane; (ii) temporary storage of control data for efficient [...]

A Última Década do Uso de Internet das Coisas Durante a Triagem de Pacientes no Departamento de Emergência – Um Mapeamento Sistemático

This article presents a systematic mapping of the literature on patient triage in the emergency department of hospitals using the smart devices of the Internet of Things. Method: For this, 533 articles were found in several sources of research; Where, after applying exclusion criteria, there were 16 articles were further analyzed. Result: We identified that [...]

Um Modelo Computacional para Cidades Inteligentes Assistivas

Este artigo apresenta o MASC, um modelo computacional para criação de cidades inteligentes assistivas. A aplicação da computação ubíqua na acessibilidade oportuniza soluções para pessoas com deficiências (PcDs). Diferente dos trabalhos relacionados, o MASC utiliza as interações das PcDs para composição de trilhas que são oferecidas como serviços. O modelo é genérico, auxiliando em diferentes [...]

A Mapping Study on Mobile Games for Patients of Chronic Diseases

There is a growing interest of using technologies to propose solutions for healthcare issues. One of such issues is the incidence of chronic diseases, which are responsible for a considerable proportion of worldwide mortality. It is possible to prevent the development of such diseases using tools and methods that instruct the population. To achieve this, [...]

MMEliot: Um Modelo para Internet das Coisas Explorando a Elasticidade da Computação em Nuvem

Atualmente, a adoção de tecnologias relacionadas à Internet das Coisas vem aumentando gradativamente. Devido a isso, cada vez mais são exigidas altas demandas de computação para tratar volumes grandes de dados. Como solução, a Computação em Nuvem se mostra promissora para suprir tais necessidades. Neste contexto, este artigo apresenta um modelo de elasticidade em nuvem [...]

Observing Network Performance and Congestion on Managing Assets with RFID and Cloud Computing

Today, we observe that more and more, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has been used to identify and track objects in enterprises and institutions. In addition, we also perceive the growing adoption of cloud computing, either public or private, to process and store data from the objects. In this context, the literature does not present [...]

Naming and name resolution in the future internet: Introducing the NovaGenesis approach

Naming and name resolution have fundamental roles in the current and future Internet architectures. In the contemporary Internet, many limitations and problems on this area are longtime well-known, including the limited number of namespaces, the overloaded semantics of IP addresses and domain names, the use of network layer names at higher-levels of the architecture, and [...]

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