
GTTracker: Location-aware hierarchical model for identifying M-commerce business opportunities

he increased adoption of electronic commerce for selling products and services creates a new channel between consumers and vendors. Commonly, e-commerce platforms are assembled as proprietary and centralized solutions. This method has a high financial cost and slows the entry of both middle and small-sized companies into this communication channel. In this context, this article [...]

Brokel: Towards enabling multi-level cloud elasticity on publish/subscribe brokers

Internet of Things networks together with the data that flow between networked smart devices are growing at unprecedented rates. Often brokers, or intermediaries nodes, combined with the publish/subscribe communication model represent one of the most used strategies to enable Internet of Things applications. At scalability viewpoint, cloud computing and its main feature named resource elasticity [...]

Assistive Robotics: Adaptive Multimodal Interaction Improving People with Communication Disorders

A significant portion of the Brazilian population consists of people with hearing or visual impairment. Multimodal interaction systems do not suit the needs of a mixed audience, since they are designed for a specific user profile. We propose a model for a Multimodal Human Computer Interaction System (MMHCI) based on services, embedded on an assistive [...]

Hermes: um modelo para acessibilidade ubíqua dedicado à deficiência auditiva

Nota-se, atualmente, que o avanço da tecnologia e a crescente quantidade de dispositivos móveis vêm estimulando o uso deste tipo de tecnologia. Porém, esses dispositivos não estão prontos para atender pessoas com determinados tipos de deficiência, especificamente o deficiente auditivo. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo propor um modelo de suporte ao deficiente auditivo chamado [...]

MaPS: A framework to aid the development of collaborative applications for ubiquitous environments

A research topic of growing interest is the convergence between Collaborative Systems and Ubiquitous Computing, where context awareness is becoming a tool for enhancing collaboration processes. The application of Ubiquitous Computing concepts in the improvement of collaboration strategies created a research front called Ubiquitous Collaboration. This article proposes a framework to aid the development of [...]

RecSim: A Model for Learning Objects Recommendation using Similarity of Sessions

A learning object (LO) is any entity or resource that can be used in computer-aided learning. This can take the form of text, multimedia content, presentations, programs or any other type of digital content, generally made available through web portals or distance learning systems. The LOs consulted by a student while accessing such portals are [...]

Safetrail: Um Modelo para Controle de Acesso baseado em Perfis, Contextos e Trilhas

A computação móvel, a cada dia, está mais difundida, verificando-se uma quantidade crescente de pessoas utilizando seus recursos e interagindo a partir de seus dispositivos, de qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento. Muitas dessas interações envolvem informações e conteúdos confidenciais ou restritos, o que exige um nível de segurança para proteção dos usuários e de [...]

Octopus: A gamification model to aid in ubiquitous care of chronic diseases

This article presents Octopus, a gamification model for assistance in ubiquitous care of chronic diseases. Octopus was projected to be generic, namely, to support any kind of disesase. Moreover, the model uses context awareness and the history of contexts visited by users (trails). This article describes the model architecture and its prototype. The prototype was [...]

Vulcanus 2.0: A Recommender System for Accessibility

Even though the use of recommender systems is already widely spread in several application areas, there is still a lack of studies for accessibility research field. One of these attempts to use recommender system benefits for accessibility needs is Vulcanus. The Vulcanus recommender system uses similarity analysis to compare user’s trails. In this way, it [...]

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