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So far GSU (ASAV TI) has created 32 blog entries.

Effects of stability on model composition effort an exploratory study

Model composition plays a central role in many software engineering activities, e.g., evolving design models to add new features. To support these activities, developers usually rely on model composition heuristics. The problem is that the models to-be-composed usually conflict with each other in several ways and such composition heuristics might be unable to properly deal [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:46-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Kleinner Silva Farias, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Effects of stability on model composition effort an exploratory study

A proposal to support ubiquitous libraries

Ubiquitous computing aims to make tasks that depend on computing transparent to the users, providing resources and services anytime and anywhere. This paper proposes a computational model to support ubiquitous libraries. The model provides appropriate information and tools to the librarian to maintain resources and services in a library, as well tools that allow offering [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:27:46-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em A proposal to support ubiquitous libraries
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