
Sobre Fernanda Soares da Silva

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So far Fernanda Soares da Silva has created 195 blog entries.

Gamification and serious games in depression care: A systematic mapping study

Depression is a common mental disorder that causes sadness and loss of interest. It affects 350 million people in the world and its most severe state can lead to suicide. Many technologies are being used to aid the depression treatment and gamification has been used as an approach to improve adherence and engagement in the [...]

The Educational Affordances of Mobile Instant Messaging MIM: Results of Whatsapp® Used in Higher Education

The popularity of Mobile Instant Messaging MIM has prompted educators to integrate it in teaching and learning in higher education. WhatsApp® is a multi-platform instant messaging application widely used worldwide, however, there is still little applied research on its use as a platform for educational activities in management higher education. In this article, the authors [...]

Pró Equipamentos para o Transformação Digital do PPG em Computação Aplicada – Unisinos

Descrição: Esse projeto contempla a aquisição de bens e serviços de modo a apoiar o desenvolvimento tecnológico do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Computação Aplicada da Unisinos. A ideia é atualizar equipamentos que suportam tecnicamente as pesquisas realizadas em nível de pesquisa Stricto Senso. Novos recursos computacionais e chaveadores com suporte a gerenciamento remoto denotam os [...]

HoloCare: Um Modelo para Cuidados Ubíquos em Ambientes Inteligentes

Projeto certificado pela empresa Freedom Veiculos Eletricos em 09/05/2018. Descrição: O projeto propõe um modelo computacional para cuidados ubíquos em Ambientes Inteligentes (Ambient Intelligence), denominado HoloCare. No âmbito desse projeto um ambiente inteligente é um espaço onde as pessoas vivem e convivem recebendo ajuda computacional inteligente. A dimensão e as funcionalidades do espaço dependem do [...]

Um Modelo para Cuidados Ubíquos em Ambientes Inteligentes

Projeto certificado pela empresa Freedom Veiculos Eletricos em 09/05/2018. Descrição: O projeto consiste em uma parceria entre a Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos - http://www.unisinos.br), a Universidade Católica de Pelotas (UCPel - http://www.ucpel.tche.br) e a empresa Freedom (http://www.freedom.ind.br). A Unisinos é a instituição de execução e o Laboratório de Computação Móvel (Mobilab [...]

O uso de simuladores no auxílio do ensino-aprendizagem na Enfermagem

Este estudo objetivou verificar a perspectiva dos acadêmicos do curso de enfermagem acerca do uso de simuladores no auxílio do ensino-aprendizagem. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, exploratório, descritivo com abordagem quantitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de um questionário validado, aplicado a partir da plataforma Google Forms. A amostra foi composta por 27 [...]

Enhancing Brazilian Portuguese Textual Entailment Recognition with a Hybrid Approach

Previous work on textual entailment has not fully exploited aspects of deep linguistic relations, which have been shown as containing important information for entailment identification. In this study, we present a new method to compute semantic textual similarity between two sentences. Our proposal relies on the integration of a set of deep linguistic relations, lexical [...]

An Algorithm for Distance Calculation Between UML Sequence Diagrams

The measure of distance between UML diagrams is a crucial step to support the integration of UML sequence diagrams. This distance is used for measuring the difference between two sequences messages exchanged by objects. Even though UML sequence diagram is widely used, nothing has been done to support to find matches for short sequence of [...]

BRCode: An interpretive model-driven engineering approach for enterprise applications

Many model-driven engineering (MDE) approaches have been proposed in recent studies. They claim to improve software quality and productivity by raising the abstraction level at which developers work. However, they often fall short of what was expected in terms of productivity, profitability, and Return on Investment in real-world scenarios. This article proposes BRCode, which is [...]

A Hospital Bed Allocation Hybrid Model Based on Situation Awareness

Bed management is an important area of planning and control for hospitals, as it has the important role of maintaining the balance between patients from the emergency department, patients who have elective surgery or scheduled treatment, and patients who are discharged from the hospital, while maintaining high bed occupancy rates. Effective management of these resources [...]

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