
Sobre Fernanda Soares da Silva

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So far Fernanda Soares da Silva has created 195 blog entries.

RecSim: A Model for Learning Objects Recommendation using Similarity of Sessions

A learning object (LO) is any entity or resource that can be used in computer-aided learning. This can take the form of text, multimedia content, presentations, programs or any other type of digital content, generally made available through web portals or distance learning systems. The LOs consulted by a student while accessing such portals are [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:22:47-03:00janeiro 1st, 2016|Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Sandro José Rigo|Comentários desativados em RecSim: A Model for Learning Objects Recommendation using Similarity of Sessions

Safetrail: Um Modelo para Controle de Acesso baseado em Perfis, Contextos e Trilhas

A computação móvel, a cada dia, está mais difundida, verificando-se uma quantidade crescente de pessoas utilizando seus recursos e interagindo a partir de seus dispositivos, de qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento. Muitas dessas interações envolvem informações e conteúdos confidenciais ou restritos, o que exige um nível de segurança para proteção dos usuários e de [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:22:47-03:00janeiro 1st, 2016|Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Kleinner Silva Farias, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Sandro José Rigo|Comentários desativados em Safetrail: Um Modelo para Controle de Acesso baseado em Perfis, Contextos e Trilhas

Octopus: A gamification model to aid in ubiquitous care of chronic diseases

This article presents Octopus, a gamification model for assistance in ubiquitous care of chronic diseases. Octopus was projected to be generic, namely, to support any kind of disesase. Moreover, the model uses context awareness and the history of contexts visited by users (trails). This article describes the model architecture and its prototype. The prototype was [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:22:48-03:00janeiro 1st, 2016|Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Octopus: A gamification model to aid in ubiquitous care of chronic diseases

Vulcanus 2.0: A Recommender System for Accessibility

Even though the use of recommender systems is already widely spread in several application areas, there is still a lack of studies for accessibility research field. One of these attempts to use recommender system benefits for accessibility needs is Vulcanus. The Vulcanus recommender system uses similarity analysis to compare user’s trails. In this way, it [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:29-03:00janeiro 1st, 2016|Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi|Comentários desativados em Vulcanus 2.0: A Recommender System for Accessibility

TrailTrade: A model for trail-aware commerce support

Context-aware applications adapt their functionalities based on users’ profiles and their current contexts. Complementarily, a trail is the history of the contexts visited by a user. Trails enable applications to explore the users’ past behavior. In this sense, trail awareness is considered an evolution of the context awareness, because applications explore an additional and more [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:22:48-03:00janeiro 1st, 2016|Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em TrailTrade: A model for trail-aware commerce support

ORACON: An adaptive model for context prediction

Context prediction has been receiving considerable attention in the last years. This research area seems to be the next logical step in context-aware computing, which, until a few years ago, had been concerned more with the present and the past temporal dimensions. Most of research works related to context prediction employ the same algorithm for [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:30-03:00janeiro 1st, 2016|Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em ORACON: An adaptive model for context prediction

An algorithm for automatic detection and orientation estimation of planar structures in LiDAR-scanned outcrops

The spatial orientation of linear and planar structures in geological fieldwork is still obtained using simple hand-held instruments such as a compass and clinometer. Despite their ease of use, the amount of data obtained in this way is normally smaller than would be considered as representative of the area available for sampling. LiDAR-based remote sensors [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:25:09-03:00janeiro 1st, 2016|Luiz Gonzaga da Silveira Junior, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em An algorithm for automatic detection and orientation estimation of planar structures in LiDAR-scanned outcrops

Towards a Semantic Repository for Learning Objects: Design and Evaluation of Core Services

Repositories form a central piece of the learning objects technology, providing storage spaces where the objects can be catalogued, located, and retrieved. However, repositories usually support only syntactical and morphological aspects of learning objects metadata for cataloguing and searching purposes. This article proposes two integrated systems, which provide the core services of a semantic repository [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:30-03:00janeiro 1st, 2016|Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Towards a Semantic Repository for Learning Objects: Design and Evaluation of Core Services

A Collaborative Model for Ubiquitous Learning Environments

Use of mobile devices and widespread adoption of wireless networks have enabled the emergence of Ubiquitous Computing. Application of this technology to improving education strategies gave rise to Ubiquitous e-Learning, also known as Ubiquitous Learning. There are several approaches to organizing ubiquitous learning environments, but most of them employ a centralized architecture. This approach offers [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:25:09-03:00janeiro 1st, 2016|Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em A Collaborative Model for Ubiquitous Learning Environments

Outcrop explorer: a point-based system for visualization and interpretation of lidar digital models

The use of LiDAR-based models for natural outcrops and surfaces studies has increased in the last few years. This technique has been found to be potential to represent digitally tridimensional data, thus it increases the quality and amount of data available for interpretation by geoscientists. Researchers, in computations, face difficulties in handling the huge amount [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:35-03:00janeiro 1st, 2016|Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Outcrop explorer: a point-based system for visualization and interpretation of lidar digital models
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