
Sobre Fernanda Soares da Silva

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So far Fernanda Soares da Silva has created 195 blog entries.

INCT – Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Genética Médica Populacional

Descrição: O programa inclui ações coordenadas de equipes de instituições associadas a colaborar na pesquisa, a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças com forte componente genético na sua etiologia, bem como a formação de recursos humanos e ações na área de transferência de conhecimento para a sociedade por meio científico comunicação e educação das comunidades [...]

Naming and name resolution in the future internet: Introducing the NovaGenesis approach

Naming and name resolution have fundamental roles in the current and future Internet architectures. In the contemporary Internet, many limitations and problems on this area are longtime well-known, including the limited number of namespaces, the overloaded semantics of IP addresses and domain names, the use of network layer names at higher-levels of the architecture, and [...]

Cognitive radio in the context of internet of things using a novel future internet architecture called NovaGenesis

Many Internet of Things (IoT) requirements are already at the core of next generation wireless networks, including 5G, cognitive radio and future Internet. There is a huge consilience that the majority of Internet devices will become sensors and actuators equipped over ordinary “things”. As a consequence, the radio environment will increasingly become crowded with thousands [...]

On Developing Business Models for Internet of Things-Based Products: Process and Chalenges

Many companies nowadays are struggling to understand the unprecedented complexity of developing business models for products and services based on the Internet of Things. This article aims at investigating what are the elements to be taken into account in order to create a business model for IoT-based products/services and what are the main challenges faced [...]

Analisando métodos e oportunidades em redes definidas por software (SDN) para otimizações de tráfego de dados

Redes de computadores são dinâmicas e requerem constante atualização e monitoramento de operações para atender ao crescente volume de dados trafegados. Isso gera diversos problemas de custo, bem como no gerenciamento e ajuste de desempenho para oferecer uma qualidade de serviço (QoS) granular, balancear a carga dos dados e controlar a ocorrência de congestionamentos. Como [...]

Towards Enabling Live Thresholding as Utility to Manage Elastic Master-Slave Applications in the Cloud

The elasticity feature of cloud computing has been proved as pertinent for parallel applications, since users do not need to take care about the best choice for the number of processes/resources beforehand. To accomplish this, the most common approaches use threshold-based reactive elasticity or time-consuming proactive elasticity. However, both present at least one problem related [...]

Advancing NovaGenesis Architecture Towards Future Internet of Things

Internet of things (IoT) has been deeply challenging current Internet and emerging architectures, including 5G and Future Internet. Many architectural limitations, such as weak security, data distribution efficiency, provenance and traceability of sources, excessive human intervention, lack of interoperability and service-awareness in devices configuration, have been exposed and called the society attention. This paper addresses [...]

ElCity: an Elastic Multilevel Energy Saving Model for Smart Cities

As a result of rural and suburban migration to the cities, urban life has become a significant challenge for citizens and, particularly, for city administrators who must manage the sustainable use of resources such as energy, water, and transportation. Smart cities are the biggest vision to efficiently address these challenges through a real-time monitoring, providing [...]

GTTracker: Location-aware hierarchical model for identifying M-commerce business opportunities

he increased adoption of electronic commerce for selling products and services creates a new channel between consumers and vendors. Commonly, e-commerce platforms are assembled as proprietary and centralized solutions. This method has a high financial cost and slows the entry of both middle and small-sized companies into this communication channel. In this context, this article [...]

Personal Health Records: A Systematic Literature Review

Information and communication technology (ICT) has transformed the health care field worldwide. One of the main drivers of this change is the electronic health record (EHR). However, there are still open issues and challenges because the EHR usually reflects the partial view of a health care provider without the ability for patients to control or [...]

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