Bed management is an important area of planning and control for hospitals, as it has the important role of maintaining the balance between patients from the emergency department, patients who have elective surgery or scheduled treatment, and patients who are discharged from the hospital, while maintaining high bed occupancy rates. Effective management of these resources has always been a challenge for managers. In the 1980s and 1990s, thousands of patients had operations canceled due to nonmedical reasons. Due to the constant uncertainty experienced by hospitals today, use of the cognitive model known as situation awareness has been increasing in healthcare. Situation awareness seeks to understand environmental context to design the future, using artificial intelligence techniques. In this context, this article contributes the use of situation awareness in bed management using a hybrid system that combines known techniques of artificial neural networks and multiattribute value theory for decision-making by automating the process of bed allocation. The system was evaluated in a hospital in Porto Alegre, Brazil, yielding a result of 93.5% similarity between the beds determined by the proposed model and those chosen by the hospital manager.
A Hospital Bed Allocation Hybrid Model Based on Situation Awareness
Por Fernanda Soares da Silva|2019-03-18T08:19:05-03:00janeiro 1st, 2018|Cristiano André da Costa, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Sandro José Rigo|Comentários desativados em A Hospital Bed Allocation Hybrid Model Based on Situation Awareness