
A Semantic-Based Model for Triage Patients in Emergency Departments

Triage is a process performed in an emergency department that aims to sort patients according to their need for care. When performed speedily and correctly, this process can potentially increase the chances of survival for a patient with serious complications. This study aims to develop a computer model, called UbiTriagem, which supports the process of [...]

Enhancing performance of IoT applications with load prediction and cloud elasticity

Elasticity is one of the most important services of cloud computing, referring to the ability to add or remove resources according to the needs of the application or service. In particular to the Internet of Things (IoT) scope, the use of this facility becomes pertinent since IoT requires a middleware that should be capable to [...]

PEPContextual: definição de um prontuário eletrônico de paciente ciente de contexto

A computação móvel pode ser definida como informação na ponta dos dedos a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar e avança como uma realidade nas tarefas e atividades das pessoas, em decorrência da popularização e diversificação de dispositivos móveis e redes sem fio. Faz-se importante então, desenvolver modelos que permitam não somente compartilhar dados clínicos, mas [...]

A food allergy risk detection model based on situation awareness

Advances in ubiquitous computing are enabling the emergence of opportunities in many areas; among them we highlight the health-related applications. In this area, there is a trend toward developing many applications that enable care wherever you are and whenever you need, called ubiquitous healthcare. A detailed survey of existing and proposed models has shown that [...]

On analyzing problems of distributed systems and current internet in front of the future internet architectures

Nowadays, there are hundreds of underway worldwide projects to redesign both com- munication protocols and architecture of the Internet. These initiatives are collectively called “future Internet” research. Most of these initiatives rely on existing distributed systems, which often limit or even prevent the development of “clean slate” solutions. The main reason is that the great [...]

Modelos de negócio para produtos e serviços baseados em internet das coisas: uma revisão da literatura e oportunidades de pesquisas futuras

Uma nova geração de computação ubíqua, também conhecida como Internet das Coisas ou Internet of Things (IoT), representa uma oportunidade, mas também um desafio, para empresas em diversos segmentos da indústria. Com IoT, produtos da era industrial, incluindo carros, telefones, televisões, geladeiras, câmeras e até mesmo livros, podem ter capacidade digital embutida, oferecer novas funções, [...]

An Analysis of Public Clouds Elasticity in the Execution of Scientific Applications: a Survey

Elasticity can be seen as the ability of a system to increase or decrease the computing resources allocated in a dynamic and on demand way. It is an important feature provided by cloud computing, that has been widely used in web applications and is also gaining attention in the scientific community. Considering the possibilities of [...]

Vulcanus 2.0: A Recommender System for Accessibility

Even though the use of recommender systems is already widely spread in several application areas, there is still a lack of studies for accessibility research field. One of these attempts to use recommender system benefits for accessibility needs is Vulcanus. The Vulcanus recommender system uses similarity analysis to compare user’s trails. In this way, it [...]

A cyber-resilient architecture for critical security services

Authentication and authorization are two of the most important services for any IT infrastructure. Taking into account the current state of affairs of cyber warfare, the security and dependability of such services is a first class priority. For instance, the correct and continuous operation of identity providers (e.g., OpenID) and authentication, authorization and accounting services [...]

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