Rodrigo da Rosa Righi

Pró Equipamentos para o Transformação Digital do PPG em Computação Aplicada – Unisinos

Descrição: Esse projeto contempla a aquisição de bens e serviços de modo a apoiar o desenvolvimento tecnológico do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Computação Aplicada da Unisinos. A ideia é atualizar equipamentos que suportam tecnicamente as pesquisas realizadas em nível de pesquisa Stricto Senso. Novos recursos computacionais e chaveadores com suporte a gerenciamento remoto denotam os [...]

A Hospital Bed Allocation Hybrid Model Based on Situation Awareness

Bed management is an important area of planning and control for hospitals, as it has the important role of maintaining the balance between patients from the emergency department, patients who have elective surgery or scheduled treatment, and patients who are discharged from the hospital, while maintaining high bed occupancy rates. Effective management of these resources [...]

Toward a Model for Personal Health Records Interoperability

Health information technology, applied to electronic health record (EHR), has evolved with the adoption of standards for defining patient health records. However, there are many standards for defining such data, hindering communication between different healthcare providers. Even with adopted standards, patients often need to repeatedly provide their health information when they are taken care of [...]

Explorando o paradigma Publish/Subscribe e a elasticidade em níveis aplicados ao procedimento de Telemedicina

Imagens médicas são usadas diariamente para apoio ao diagnóstico em diferentes áreas da Radiologia no mundo todo. No entanto, há uma grande necessidade de que essas imagens sejam analisadas por diferentes especialistas e discutidas de forma ampla na busca do melhor tratamento para cada patologia. Em ambientes clínicos transmitir essas imagens em tempo hábil é [...]

Toward analyzing mutual interference on infrared-enabled depth cameras

Camera setups with multiple devices are a key aspect of ambient monitoring applications. These types of setups can result in data corruption when applied to recent RGB-D camera models because of mutual interference of the infrared light emitters employed by such devices. Consequently, the behavior of such interference must be appropriately evaluated to provide data [...]

A lightweight plug-and-play elasticity service for self-organizing resource provisioning on parallel applications

Today cloud elasticity can bring benefits to parallel applications, besides the traditional targets including Web and critical-business demands. This consists in adapting the number of resources and processes at runtime, so users do not need to worry about the best choice for them beforehand. To accomplish this, the most common approaches use threshold-based reactive elasticity [...]

Spontaneous Social Network: toward dynamic virtual communities based on context-aware computing

Recent efforts regarding mobile social networks aim at connecting people in smart environments considering not only their social behavior but also their context. In this perspective, this work presents a model, named SSN, based on the concept of Spontaneous Social Network, which allows the interaction of people anywhere and anytime without the need of any [...]

A Survey of Sensors in Healthcare Workflow Monitoring

Activities of a clinical staff in healthcare environments must regularly be adapted to new treatment methods, medications, and technologies. This constant evolution requires the monitoring of the workflow, or the sequence of actions from actors involved in a procedure, to ensure quality of medical services. In this context, recent advances in sensing technologies, including Real-time [...]

MigPF: Towards on self-organizing process rescheduling of Bulk-Synchronous Parallel applications

Migration is a known technique to offer process rescheduling, being especially pertinent for Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) programs. Such programs are organized in a set of supersteps, in which the slowest process always determines the synchronization time. This approach motivated us to develop a first model called MigBSP, which combines computation, communication, and migration costs metrics [...]

Analisando o Estado-da-Arte dos Controllers SDN para a Unificação das camadas Óptica e de Pacotes em redes de Telecomunicações

A partir da entrada de novas tecnologias, redes de telecomunicações estão em constante evolução  e aprimoramento, muitas vezes impulsionadas pelo mercado ou por necessidades apresentadas em projetos das redes em operação. Dentre as atuais evoluções, a tecnologia Software-Defined Networking (SDN) possui forte perspectiva de transformação nas redes de telecomunicações. Em particular, SDN pode atuar na [...]

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