
A Middleware Architecture for Dynamic Adaptation in Ubiquitous Computing

The development of applications that adapt to the environment and remain running even when the user is moving or switching device, remains an open research challenge. In this article we present a view of the EXEHDA middleware and a new service created for dynamic adaptation. EXEHDA is service-oriented, adaptive and was conceived to support the [...]

Computação Ubíqua: Estado da Arte e Oportunidades de Pesquisa para a Área de Negócios

A computação ubíqua refere-se à terceira onda da computação, um tema emergente na pesquisa científica, que tem características interdisciplinares. O objetivo deste trabalho é mapear o campo de pesquisa em computação ubíqua, especialmente buscando explorar os estudos que enfoquem a computação ubíqua aplicada ao contexto organizacional e a negócios, identificando oportunidades para pesquisa futura. Os [...]

A model for profile management applied to ubiquitous learning environments

Ubiquitous systems have the challenge of implicitly collect relevant information about entities, and use this information to understand and predict their behavior. This allows the applications to adapt themselves to the entities, thus avoiding to overflow them with inquires and information. The analysis of trails, the context-aware history of actions, can further improve the relevance [...]

Intensive use of mobile technologies in a computer engineering course

This article details our experience involving the intensive use of mobile technologies in the pedagogical activities of a Computer Engineering (CE) course. We describe three learning projects in order to illustrate how these activities can impact learning, allowing a stronger engagement of students and creating a dynamic pedagogical approach. Computer Applications in Engineering Education

Spectral Model for Soybean Yield Estimate Using MOD-IS/EVI Data

Attaining reliable and timely agricultural estimates is very important everywhere, and in Brazil, due to its characteristics, this is especially true. In this study, estimations of crop production were made based on the temporal profiles of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) obtained from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images. The objective was to evaluate the [...]

GPU-based approaches for real-time sound source localization using the SRP-PHAT algorithm

In most microphone array applications, it is necessary to localize sound sources in a noisy and reverberant environment. For that purpose, many different Sound Source Localization (SSL) algorithms have been proposed, where the SRP-PHAT (Steered Response Power using the Phase Transform) has been known as one of the state-of-the-art methods. Its original formulation allows two [...]

A proposal of an infrastructure for load-balancing transactions on electronic funds transfer systems

This article aims to present the first ideas for developing a framework for load-balancing called GetLB. Considering the electronic funds transfer (EFT) context, GetLB offers a new scheduling heuristic that optimizes the selection of Processing Machines to execute transactions in a processing center. Instead of using the Round-Robin typical approach, the proposal combines data from [...]

Utilização de processamento de linguagem natural e ontologias na análise qualitativa de frases curtas

O volume de dados digitais disponíveis é cada vez maior em todos os segmentos profissionais e essa realidade não é diferente no campo educacional, principalmente quando falamos sobre Educação a Distância e ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Um dos desafios neste cenário é o tratamento de dados em linguagem natural, de forma com que existam ganhos [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:27:04-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Publicações, Publicações, Sandro José Rigo|0 Comentários

Elasticidade em cloud computing: conceito, estado da arte e novos desafios

A elasticidade é, sem dúvida, uma das características mais marcantes da computação em nuvem, sendo um diferencial desse tipo de sistema distribuído em relação a outros, como grades computacionais e peer-to-peer. Com base nos paradigmas de computação sobre demanda e pague-pelo-que-use, é possível dinamicamente aumentar ou diminuir instâncias de máquinas virtuais e/ou nós de computação, [...]

Methodology for Acquisition of Intensity Data in Forest Targets Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner

The advance of technology and the availability of high-resolution and accurate systems have permitted the development of new methods for studies in forests. Terrestrial laser scanners have been consolidated as one of the most effective technologies for geospatial data acquisition since the last decade. They have offered the possibility of mapping tridimensionally with high positional [...]

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