
Contribuições da Análise Ludológica para a Concepção de Jogos Sérios

Este artigo tem por objetivo descrever contribuições que a Análise Ludológica oferece ao desenvolvimento de Jogos Sérios. Para tal, é descrito um estudo de caso no qual foram avaliadas características de Jogos Sérios na busca do entendimento dos elementos que fazem com que os jogadores sintam-se desafiados e motivados. Este estudo foi realizado com a [...]

A Model for Ubiquitous Transport Systems Support

The use of mobile and ubiquitous computing has been stimulated by the widespread diffusion of mobile devices, wireless networks and location systems. In this context, numerous applications are emerging in different areas such as education, entertainment, commerce and transport. This paper proposes the MD-UTS, a model for development of ubiquitous transport systems. The model allows [...]

A Model for Ubiquitous Care of Noncommunicable Diseases

The ubiquitous computing, or ubicomp, is a promising technology to help chronic diseases patients managing activities, offering support to them anytime, anywhere. Hence, ubicomp can aid community and health organizations to continuously communicate with patients and to offer useful resources for their self-management activities. Communication is prioritized in works of ubiquitous health for noncommunicable diseases [...]

A Decentralized Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Learning Environments

This article proposes an infrastructure called Global. The main hypothesis consists in the possible creation of an architecture completely decentralized and extensible, focused in the development of ubiquitous learning environments. The text describes the infrastructure´s architecture. Additionally, the article presents an implementation and a concepts proof through the use of Global in the developing of [...]

BSPonP2P: Model for Collaborative Computing at BSP Applications in P2P Desktop Grid

Today, BSP (Bulk-Synchronous Parallel) represents one of the most used models for writing tightly-coupled parallel programs. A BSP application is divided in one or more supersteps, each one ending with a synchronization barrier. As resource substrates, commonly clusters and eventually computational grids are used to run BSP applications. In this context, we investigate the use [...]

Admixture in Latin America: Geographic Structure, Phenotypic Diversity and Self-Perception of Ancestry Based on 7,342 Individuals

The current genetic makeup of Latin America has been shaped by a history of extensive admixture between Africans, Europeans and Native Americans, a process taking place within the context of extensive geographic and social stratification. We estimated individual ancestry proportions in a sample of 7,342 subjects ascertained in five countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, México and [...]

Integrating Aqua and Terra/MODIS satellite Data for the Evaluation of Heat Stress Impacts on Summer Crops

In this study we analyze the relationship between the occurrence of high temperatures and the variability of soybean yield. The study covers the crop years from 2003 to 2012 in Rio Grande do Sul State. For the analysis of temperature over the vegetation canopy in agricultural areas, we used a LST (Land Surface Temperature ) [...]

Evaluating the Thermal Spatial Distribution Signature for Environmental Management and Vegetation Health Monitoring

An accurate evaluation of the environment while cities are still growing economically is highly necessary for reliable assessment of ecosystem conditions. This research evaluates a comparison between the pattern of Land Surface Temperature (LST) distribution and Enhanced Vegetation Index 2 (EVI-2) during the summer season as an indicator of development conditions in an Area of [...]

Accuracy Analysis of Digital Outcrop Models Obtained from Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS)

The analysis, description and interpretation of outcrops are mainly based on field activities from which geoscientists can make observations, descriptions and sketches in field books as well as acquisition of digital photographs and different measurements with compass and other equipaments. The development of geotechnologies in the last decade has been crucial in obtaining geological data [...]

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