
Dropout Prediction and Reduction in Distance Education Courses with the Learning Analytics Multitrail Approach

Distance Education courses are present in large number of educational institutions. Virtual Learning Environments development contributes to this wide adoption of Distance Education modality and allows new pedagogical methodologies. However, dropout rates observed in these courses are very expressive, both in public and private educational institutions. This paper presents a Learning Analytics system developed to [...]

UbiGroup: Um Modelo de Recomendação Ubíqua de Conteúdo para Grupos Dinâmicos de Aprendizes

A necessidade do professor buscar e selecionar materiais educacionais adequados para sua turma é um fato comum no meio educacional. Entretanto, a grande disponibilidade de materiais, a heterogeneidade dos perfis dos alunos e a diversidade de atividades pedagógicas que podem ser realizadas, tornam esta tarefa bastante trabalhosa. Neste cenário, este artigo propõe um modelo de [...]

U-Library: An Intelligent Model for Ubiquitous Library Support

Ubiquitous computing aims to make tasks that depend on computing transparent to the users, providing resources and services anytime and anywhere. Currently, libraries have sought to position themselves closer to their users, by adopting ubiquitous technologies. This paper presents an intelligent model to support ubiquitous libraries called U-Library. U-Library specification focuses on relevant aspects to [...]

Prevaba: Um Modelo Bayesiano para Predição da Existência de Vítimas em Acidentes de Trânsito

A segurança no trânsito é uma área que se preocupa tanto com a redução dos acidentes quanto com o atendimento prestado às vítimas. Diversas iniciativas são propostas para colaborar com a redução dos acidentes, tais como: fiscalização, campanhas de conscientização e equipamentos de auxílio aos condutores. Outras iniciativas para prevenção e proteção são propostas pelos [...]

DeCom: A model for context-aware competence management

This article proposes a model of a context-aware system, called DeCom, to support competence management. The model considers the profiles of employees in organizations and the contexts in which they are involved, looking for opportunities to help them to develop their competences. DeCom proposes a Context Model organized into five categories, which enable the mapping [...]

A Multi-Temporal Context-aware System for Competences Management

The evolution of computing technology and wireless networks has contributed to the miniaturization of mobile devices and their increase in power, providing services anywhere and anytime. In this scenario, applications have considered the user’s contexts to make decisions (Context Awareness). Context-aware applications have enabled new opportunities in different areas, for example, education, games and entertainment, [...]

Controle de Acesso Baseado na Inferência em Trilhas

Os profissionais estão constantemente em busca de qualificação e consequentemente tendo um acréscimo de conhecimento na sua área de atuação. Sendo assim, torna-se interessante o desenvolvimento de um sistema computacional que conheça o seu usuário e seu histórico de trabalho e permita que atividades previamente autorizadas para o uso, possam ser permitidas novamente em caso [...]

Monitoring Heat Waves and Their Impacts on Summer Crop Development in Southern Brazil

Periods in the soybean summer cycle that are sensitive to the occurrence of high temperatures were studied. An analysis was performed on the variability of soybean yields associated with crop canopy temperatures during key development periods. A land surface temperature (LST) data series from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) on the Aqua satellite was processed [...]

Assessing the MODIS Crop Detection Algorithm for Soybean Crop Area Mapping and Expansion in the Mato Grosso State, Brazil

Estimations of crop area were made based on the temporal profiles of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) obtained from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) images. Evaluation of the ability of the MODIS crop detection algorithm (MCDA) to estimate soybean crop areas was performed for fields in the Mato Grosso state, Brazil. Using the MCDA approach, [...]

A spontaneous social network based on mobile devices

Social networks provide a growing mean of communication that still preserves our human social interaction. Due to the widespread use of mobile devices, and the vast development of applications targeting these platforms, people tend to use their smartphone or tablet as the main way to make that interaction. Furthermore, applications developed to these devices are [...]

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