Maurício Roberto Veronez

Integrating Aqua and Terra/MODIS satellite Data for the Evaluation of Heat Stress Impacts on Summer Crops

In this study we analyze the relationship between the occurrence of high temperatures and the variability of soybean yield. The study covers the crop years from 2003 to 2012 in Rio Grande do Sul State. For the analysis of temperature over the vegetation canopy in agricultural areas, we used a LST (Land Surface Temperature ) [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:42-03:00janeiro 1st, 2014|Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Integrating Aqua and Terra/MODIS satellite Data for the Evaluation of Heat Stress Impacts on Summer Crops

Evaluating the Thermal Spatial Distribution Signature for Environmental Management and Vegetation Health Monitoring

An accurate evaluation of the environment while cities are still growing economically is highly necessary for reliable assessment of ecosystem conditions. This research evaluates a comparison between the pattern of Land Surface Temperature (LST) distribution and Enhanced Vegetation Index 2 (EVI-2) during the summer season as an indicator of development conditions in an Area of [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:42-03:00janeiro 1st, 2014|Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Evaluating the Thermal Spatial Distribution Signature for Environmental Management and Vegetation Health Monitoring

Accuracy Analysis of Digital Outcrop Models Obtained from Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS)

The analysis, description and interpretation of outcrops are mainly based on field activities from which geoscientists can make observations, descriptions and sketches in field books as well as acquisition of digital photographs and different measurements with compass and other equipaments. The development of geotechnologies in the last decade has been crucial in obtaining geological data [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:42-03:00janeiro 1st, 2014|Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Accuracy Analysis of Digital Outcrop Models Obtained from Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS)

Spectral Model for Soybean Yield Estimate Using MOD-IS/EVI Data

Attaining reliable and timely agricultural estimates is very important everywhere, and in Brazil, due to its characteristics, this is especially true. In this study, estimations of crop production were made based on the temporal profiles of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) obtained from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images. The objective was to evaluate the [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:44-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Luiz Gonzaga da Silveira Junior, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Spectral Model for Soybean Yield Estimate Using MOD-IS/EVI Data

Methodology for Acquisition of Intensity Data in Forest Targets Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner

The advance of technology and the availability of high-resolution and accurate systems have permitted the development of new methods for studies in forests. Terrestrial laser scanners have been consolidated as one of the most effective technologies for geospatial data acquisition since the last decade. They have offered the possibility of mapping tridimensionally with high positional [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:45-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Luiz Gonzaga da Silveira Junior, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Methodology for Acquisition of Intensity Data in Forest Targets Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner

Terrestrial Laser Scanning: Application for Measuring of Structures Information in Geological Outcrops

This study aimed to build a workflow to survey geological planar structure geometries using light detection and ranging technique. The study covered a field survey with the determinations of plane attitude using compass, clinometers, and digital images through light detection and ranging technique. Three methods were used to compute the selected planes into the point [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:46-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Luiz Gonzaga da Silveira Junior, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Terrestrial Laser Scanning: Application for Measuring of Structures Information in Geological Outcrops

A Comparative Study in the Execution of Gypsum Coatings under an Environmental Impact Perspective

he gypsum slurry used in coatings is a construction material that generates many residues. Despite the proven feasibility of recycling, the reduction of waste is still the best way of minimizing the environmental impact. Different technologies have been studied in order to replace its use. However, studies have shown that the losses in construction when [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:47-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em A Comparative Study in the Execution of Gypsum Coatings under an Environmental Impact Perspective

Artificial Neural Network Approach for Estimation of Land Surface Temperature

In this article we present an alternative method for extrapolation of Land Surface Temperature (LST) by means of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) based on positional variables (UTM coordinates and altitude), temperature and average air relative humidity. The study region was the Rio dos Sinos Hydrographic Basin (RSHB), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. For ANN training [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:47-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Artificial Neural Network Approach for Estimation of Land Surface Temperature

Analysis of the influence of distance on data acquisition intensity forestry targets by a LIDAR technique with terrestrial laser scanner

The forest sciences as well as other areas of knowledge benefit from technological advances to develop their working methods and increase their knowledge of their specific field of study. New equipment and methods are continually developed to support these applications. In the last decade, laser scanning and profiling systems have been consolidated as one of [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:27:47-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Analysis of the influence of distance on data acquisition intensity forestry targets by a LIDAR technique with terrestrial laser scanner

So close, so far away: analysis of surnames in a town of twins (Cândido Godói, Brazil).

Cândido Godói is a small Brazilian town known for high rates of twin birth. In 2011, a genetic study showed that this localized high rate of twin births could be explained by a genetic founder effect. Here we used isonymic analysis and surname distribution to identify population subgroups within 5316 inhabitants and 665 different surnames. [...]

Por |2019-03-18T08:27:47-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em So close, so far away: analysis of surnames in a town of twins (Cândido Godói, Brazil).
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