Maurício Roberto Veronez

An intensity recovery algorithm IRA for minimizing the edge effect of LIDAR data

The terrestrial laser scanner is an equipment developed for surveying applications and is also used for many other purposes due to its ability to acquire 3D data quickly. However, before intensity data can be analyzed, it must be processed in order to minimize the edge or border effect, one of the most serious problems of [...]

An Alternative Method of Spatial Autocorrelation for Chlorophyll Detection in Water Bodies Using Remote Sensing

Additional measures of in situ water quality monitoring in natural environments can be obtained through remote sensing because certain elements in water modify its spectral behavior. One of the indicators of water quality is the presence of algae, and the aim of this study was to propose an alternative method for the quantification of chlorophyll [...]

Least trimmed squares estimator with redundancy constraint for outlier detection in GNSS networks

Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) networks facilitate accurate positioning over short and long distances on the surface of the Earth and expand the range of high-precision measurement. These networks are the basis not only for mapping activities, geoinformation, land registry and other location-based services, but also provide an important role in society as infrastructure works [...]

Desenvolvimento de metodologia para análise remota de inspeções OAEs baseada em visualização imersiva e sensores embarcados em Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANTs)

Projeto certificado pela empresa MO3 CIDADE CONSULTORIA EMPRESARIAL EIRELI em 23/06/2017. Descrição: As Obras de Arte Especiais (OAE's) são indispensáveis para o desenvolvimento e funcionamento viário, porém a sua eficiência está diretamente ligada à qualidade da estrutura, sua manutenção e conservação. Atualmente, as inspeções são visuais e os dados referentes ao estado da estrutura são [...]

Determinação das Componentes do Desvio da Vertical para Estabelecimento de Referencial Batimetrico na Represa do Lobo, Itirapina – SP

O levantamento batimétrico consiste na coleta de profundidades georreferenciadas em leitos submersos. O Referencial altimétrico é necessário para redução das profundidades em altitudes ortométricas. As técnicas para transporte de coordenadas por métodos clássicos são morosas e caras. O GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) com correção em tempo real proporciona maior rapidez e confiabilidade na determinação [...]

INCT – Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Genética Médica Populacional

Descrição: O programa inclui ações coordenadas de equipes de instituições associadas a colaborar na pesquisa, a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças com forte componente genético na sua etiologia, bem como a formação de recursos humanos e ações na área de transferência de conhecimento para a sociedade por meio científico comunicação e educação das comunidades [...]

An algorithm for automatic detection and orientation estimation of planar structures in LiDAR-scanned outcrops

The spatial orientation of linear and planar structures in geological fieldwork is still obtained using simple hand-held instruments such as a compass and clinometer. Despite their ease of use, the amount of data obtained in this way is normally smaller than would be considered as representative of the area available for sampling. LiDAR-based remote sensors [...]

Outcrop explorer: a point-based system for visualization and interpretation of lidar digital models

The use of LiDAR-based models for natural outcrops and surfaces studies has increased in the last few years. This technique has been found to be potential to represent digitally tridimensional data, thus it increases the quality and amount of data available for interpretation by geoscientists. Researchers, in computations, face difficulties in handling the huge amount [...]

An Automatic Algorithm for Minimizing Anomalies and Discrepancies in Point Clouds Acquired by Laser Scanning Technique

Laser scanning technique from airborne and land platforms has been largely used for collecting 3D data in large volumes in the field of geosciences. Furthermore, the laser pulse intensity has been widely exploited to analyze and classify rocks and biomass, and for carbon storage estimation. In general, a laser beam is emitted, collides with targets [...]

3-D Recosntruction Of Digital Outcrop Model Based on Multiple View Images and Terrestrial Laser Scanning

This paper presents a comparative study about 3D reconstruction based on active and passive sensors, mainly LiDAR – Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and raster images (photography), respectively. An accuracy analysis has been performed in the positioning of outcrop point clouds obtained by both techniques. To make the comparison feasible, datasets are composed by point clouds [...]

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