Luiz Gonzaga da Silveira Junior

Analyzing Performance of the Parallel-based Fractal Image Compression Problem on Multicore Systems

Both the size and the resolution of images always were key topics in the graphical computing area. Especially, they become more and more relevant in the big data era. We can observe that often a huge amount of data is exchanged by medium/low bandwidth networks or yet, they need to be stored on devices with [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:46-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Luiz Gonzaga da Silveira Junior, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi|Comentários desativados em Analyzing Performance of the Parallel-based Fractal Image Compression Problem on Multicore Systems

Terrestrial Laser Scanning: Application for Measuring of Structures Information in Geological Outcrops

This study aimed to build a workflow to survey geological planar structure geometries using light detection and ranging technique. The study covered a field survey with the determinations of plane attitude using compass, clinometers, and digital images through light detection and ranging technique. Three methods were used to compute the selected planes into the point [...]

Por |2019-09-05T11:37:46-03:00janeiro 1st, 2013|Luiz Gonzaga da Silveira Junior, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Publicações, Publicações, Publicações|Comentários desativados em Terrestrial Laser Scanning: Application for Measuring of Structures Information in Geological Outcrops
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