Unisinos Postgraduate - Education Management (MA) - In person - Porto Alegre
Professional Master's

Education Management (MA)

In person - Porto Alegre


Porto Alegre


2 years

Course recommended by Capes

Grade 4


The Professional Master's in Education Management is a pioneer in Southern Brazil, and it aims at qualifying the professionals from teaching institutions and / or educational nature, contributing to the production of new knowledge in the area, as well as the development of innovative projects. The goal is to meet the specific demands directly linked to issues of school management and of institutions of higher education as well as to contribute to the production of knowledge and the development of innovative management projects.

In addition to developing skills in management and leadership from an interdisciplinary approach, systemic thinking and complex actions, the Professional Master course in Education Management provides further studies for the development of a co-responsible and participative management. The course has the support of the Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) and Ritter dos Reis (UniRitter) University Center, and it is closely related to the Graduate Program in Education.

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Emphasis: Educational Management

The Professional Master's in Educational Management at Unisinos qualifies professionals to work in educational institutions and institutions with an educational mission, public and private, contributing to the production of knowledge and the development of innovative management projects. The Master makes an interface between research and intervention projects with the current demands of the educational sector.

Imagem da Área de concentração

Lines of action

In this line of action, applied research and intervention projects are developed in Educational Systems and Organizations considering the sociocultural, economic, and political contexts in which they are inserted. It focuses on the qualification of professionals to exercise innovative practice in organizational systems and governmental and non-governmental organizations. To this end, it proposes the study and investigation, among others, of the following topics:

(a) educational management policies and strategies.

(b) evaluations of educational systems.

(c) prospects for innovation and entrepreneurship in the area of education.

(d) culture, behavior, and organizational communication in educational institutions.

(e) economic-financial management and sustainability in educational organizations.

(f) leadership and people management in educational organizations.

In this line of action, research practices and intervention projects are developed in educational management in different contexts. It focuses on academic-professional qualifications oriented toward managing organizational and pedagogical processes from a critical-reflexive professional performance perspective. For this study:

(a) school, university, and other areas of management actions.

(b) educational processes.

(c) teaching professional development.

(d) knowledge management.

(e) technologies and communication.

(f) research and investigative action.


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The student of the Education Management Graduate Program has at your disposal a faculty composed mostly of masters, doctors and post-doctor, with national and international training and recognized professional experience.

Ana Cristina Ghisleni

Ana Cristina Ghisleni

Doutora em Educação

PhD in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Master in Political Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2003), degree in History from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1996) and degree in Social Communication Journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2000). Post-Doctorate at the Graduate Program in Teaching at Univates. She is currently a professor and researcher in the Graduate Program in Educational Management - Professional Master in Educational Management at Unisinos, integrating the research line School and University Management. Coordinates the research project "Innovation in Educational Management: Contexts and Possibilities of Pedagogical Work", which analyzes innovative actions linked to the management of pedagogical practices in Basic Education.

Artur Eugênio Jacobus

Artur Eugênio Jacobus

Doutor Administração

He holds a degree in Modern Languages from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos - Unisinos, a master's degree in Linguistics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul and a doctorate in Business Administration from Unisinos. He has been a professor at Unisinos since 1994. Between 2011 and 2016, he was director of the Academic Services Unit at that university. He is currently a professor of Science Communication in undergraduate courses. He has been a professor and researcher in the Professional Master's in Educational Management at Unisinos since 2015. He is the leader of the research group Democratization, Inclusion and Management in Higher Education.

Caroline Medeiros Martins de Almeida

Caroline Medeiros Martins de Almeida

Doutora em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática

PhD and Master in Science and Mathematics Teaching from ULBRA, with Sandwich Doctorate at the University of Porto-Portugal. Post-doctorate by the National Doctoral Program at CAPES with the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching (ULBRA) and Degree in Biology. Has experience in teaching in Basic Education and Higher Education (Graduation and Post-Graduation strict sense). Among his areas of interest, the following stand out: TD, Teacher training, metacognition, education 4.0, active methodologies and innovation.

Cátia De Azevedo Fronza

Cátia De Azevedo Fronza

Doutora em Linguística e Letra

She holds a PhD in Languages. She has experience in the field of Linguistics, with an emphasis on language acquisition and phonology acquisition, working mainly on the following topics: speech acquisition, writing acquisition/learning and the implications of these processes for language teaching and learning, considering deaf education and linguistic specificities in the context of inclusive education.

Cláudia de Salles Stadlober (Colaboradora)

Cláudia de Salles Stadlober (Colaboradora)

Doutorado em Educação

Cláudia Stadtlober a Bachelor's degree in business administration from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (1997), a master's degree in Social sciences (2003), and PhD in Education from PUC-RS (2010). She joined Unisinos in 2013 and is currently an Assistant Professor, where it acts as Administrative Coordinator of the Medicine Course. Federal councillor of the CFA 2015 to 2022. Experience in Administration, acting on the following topics: management hospital, social responsability and human resource. Education. Businnes areas: human resources, entrepreneurship.

Daianny Madalena Costa

Daianny Madalena Costa

Doutora em Educação

With experience in teaching and managing basic education (1983 and 2016) in various fields, she develops her studies on educational policies, political-pedagogical project, large-scale assessment, democratic management, teaching organization, participation and comparative research. Currently, she develops research with municipal networks on collaborative-pedagogical advice and political-pedagogical project.

Fernando de Oliveira Santini

Fernando de Oliveira Santini

Doutor em Administração

Professor at Unisinos. His research fields are: consumer behavior, strategy and innovation, brand management and retail strategies through experimental research (eye tracking face recognition) and meta-analyzes. He has published studies in the main journals in marketing field, such as: Journal of Academy of Marketing Science and Journal of Business Research.  

Laura Habckost Dalla Zen

Laura Habckost Dalla Zen

Doutora em Educação

PhD and Master in Education from UFRGS. Specialist in Cultural Management from the Carlos III University of Madrid. She is the academic manager of the Online Education Academic Unit and a professor and researcher for the Professional Master in Educational Management at UNISINOS. Member of the Interinstitutional Research Group on Teaching, Pedagogies and Differences (GIPEDI / UNISINOS). Develops research in the following areas: teacher training, cultural teacher training, cultural processes and innovation in education.

Luciana Maines da Silva

Luciana Maines da Silva

Doutora em Administração

PhD in Administration from UNISINOS. Areas of interest: Research and Responsible Innovation, Dynamic Capabilities, Coopetition, Innovation Ecosystems, Smart Cities and Corporate Education.

Maria Aparecida Marques Da Rocha

Maria Aparecida Marques Da Rocha

Doutora em Serviço Social

Doctor in Social Service at PUCRS (2008), Master in Social Service (1994/PUCRS), Bachelor in Social Service (1981/PUCRS), Professor at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Coordinator of the Social Service Course since 2008, Professor and Researcher of the Postgraduate Program in Educational Management from 2013. Professor responsible for the Special Classes of the Jesuit Network of Education/MPGE. Leader of the Research Group Democratization, Inclusion and Management in Higher Education (GPDIGES) - UNISINOS/CNPq.

Maria Alice Gouvêa Campesato

Maria Alice Gouvêa Campesato

Doutorado em Educação

PhD in Education (Unisinos). Capes-Print Scholarship, with Doctoral Internship at the University of Lisbon, Portugal (2020). Master in Educational Management (Unisinos). Professor in the Professional Master's Degree in Educational Management, in the School and University Management Research Line (Unisinos).She integrates the Carcarás Research Group: Study and Research Group on Philosophical Education, Writing and Reading and the Center for Studies and Research on Innovation in Management and Pedagogical Practices. Researcher in the fields of History and Philosophy of Education, working mainly on the themes: time; attention; teacher education; pedagogical practices; writing and reading; innovation and subjectivation processes in Education.She has a degree in Letters, with specialization in Portuguese and English Languages and respective literatures (FAPA), Graduation in History and Specialization in Brazilian History (FAPA). Honourable mention.in the Capes Thesis Award 2022. She won the 1st RBS Education Award in the Public School category. She is a teacher at the Paulo Freire Municipal Workers' Education Center.

Patricia Martins Fagundes Cabral

Patricia Martins Fagundes Cabral

Doutora em Psicologia

PhD in Psychology (PUCRS, 2008) Master in Administration (PUC-Rio, 1999), Psychologist (Unisinos, 1993). Specialization in Corporate Ontological Coaching (Universidad San Sebastian - Chile, 2017) and Training in Mentoring (School of Mentors, 2020). Visiting Professor at the WOP-P Erasmus Mundus (University of Coimbra-PT, 2013). At Unisinos, she is a PPG Tenured Professor in Management and Business, coordinates a research group on Leadership and People Management, works on the Professional Master's Degree in Educational Management, and is a member of the Research Ethics Committee. She worked for 11 years in the Human Resources area, and has more than 25 years of experience as a consultant in the areas of organizational behavior, leadership and people management.

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