Unisinos Postgraduate - Business and Management Graduate Program - In person - Porto Alegre
Professional Doctorate

Business and Management Graduate Program

In person - Porto Alegre


Porto Alegre


4 years

Course recommended by Capes

Grade 5


The first Doctorate in Business and Management in Southern Brazil is aimed at professionals and emphasizes the connection between theory and practice. Created to meet the demands of non-academic environments for more consistent skills of reflection, production and application of knowledge, this Doctorate aims to qualify the candidates' experience paths with scientific and methodological knowledge. In this way, it is expected to guide executives in structuring their relevant contribution to organizations and society as a whole.


Some of the key features of the Doctorate in Business and Management include:
- Emphasis on transdisciplinarity and the plurality of perspectives for the analysis of market and organizational phenomena;
- Focus on applied research, reflective practice and the reality of the market as a locus of analysis;
- Intervention projects for diagnoses and proposition of solutions from the dialogue between different disciplines and perspectives;
- Individual and customized international insertion plan, associating business, academic and cultural activities;
- Mentoring and coaching as a leadership transformation strategy;
- Doctor's degree valid for both academia and executive life.

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Emphasis: Strategy and Competitiveness

The elements of strategy and competitiveness represent, in a systemic way, the components of the management focus existing in organizational environments and, therefore, subject to transformative actions and practices. By adopting this area of ​​study, the PPGN develops skills that enable the understanding of mental models in organizations and drive activities that help to promote competitive advantages and create a culture of sustainability from intra and inter-organizational perspective

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The student of the Business and Management Graduate Program has at your disposal a faculty composed mostly of masters, doctors and post-doctor, with national and international training and recognized professional experience.



Gabriel Sperandio Milan

Gabriel Sperandio Milan

Doutor em Engenharia de Produção Sistemas de Qualidade

Post-Doctor in Administration (UFRGS). PhD in Production Engineering in the Area of Quality Systems (UFRGS). Master in Production Engineering in the Area of Quality and Service Management (UFRGS). Productivity in Research Scholarship (CNPq). Coordinator of the MBA in Business Management. Former CEO of SAMAE - Serviço Autônomo de Água e Esgoto de Caxias do Sul (RS). Business Consultant, in the strategy and market area, and Member of the Board of Directors of some enterprises.

Guilherme Trez

Guilherme Trez

Doutor em Administração

PhD in Business Administration. Undergraduate Adjunct Director at UNISINOS University, PhD in Business Administration / Marketing at PPGA/UFRGS and Instituto Politecnico di Milano. Associate professor at the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE), University of Poitiers in France, since 2016. Coordinator of the Market Research Institute (IPM) at Unisinos. Researcher in strategic marketing, more specifically in relation to the development of marketing skills that impact market orientation, innovation and value creation processes. Over 20 years of experience in market research and consultancy in marketing and strategy fields.

Ivan Lapuente Garrido

Ivan Lapuente Garrido

Doutor em Administração

Ph.D. in Administration. Master in Business Administration from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUCRJ, Ph.D. in Business Administration (emphasis in Marketing) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS. Post-Doctorate at FIU - Florida International University (USA). He worked as an executive in companies such as Esso, Souza Cruz, and AMBEV. Scholarship in Research Productivity - Level 2. Research field: Strategi and International Business.

Janine Kieling Monteiro

Janine Kieling Monteiro

Doutora em Psicologia

Coordinator of the Labor Clinic Laboratory (LABORClínica). Profa Monteiro works at the School of Health in Psychology and Nursing courses. She conducts research with the following themes: Health / mental illness and work, Psychodynamic of work clinic, Assessment of psychosocial risks at work, Bulling at work.

João Zani

João Zani

Doutor em Administração

The main topics of interest to the researcher are: Capital structure and business strategy and capital investment decisions Accounting information - transparency - and the cost of capital and / or credit Financial and credit restrictions Liquidity management strategy and investment decisions Interest on own capital and capital structure and / or dividend policy Financial constraint and corporate governance.

Jorge Renato De Souza Verschoore

Jorge Renato De Souza Verschoore

Doutor em Administração

Dr. Jorge Renato Verschoore is full professor of strategy at the Business and Management School of Unisinos University and the leader of GeRedes/CNPq (Brazilian Group for Interorganizational Network Studies). Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley (2015-16) and Poitiers University (2012-15). Currently, he is the CAPES coordinator of master and doctorate professional programs (2017-21). He has published numerous academic papers on strategy at international conferences and journals such as Project Management Journal, Journal of Management and Governance, and European Business Review. His current research interests include strategy, network, cooperation, coopetition, artificial intelligence, and blockchain.

José Antonio Valle Antunes Junior

José Antonio Valle Antunes Junior

Doutor em Administração

PhD in Administration from UFRGS and professor and researcher in the master's and doctorate at the Polytechnic and Management and Business Schools at UNISINOS. In terms of projects applied to the industry, he has over 30 years of professional experience working with the main companies in the country, in the following sectors: automation, bus bodies, Road Building, agricultural machines and implements, footwear, paints, biodiesel, naval/marine, beverages, furniture, light motor vehicles, dairy products, liquid bulk, pharmaceutical and civil construction, in the services sector: hospitals, post offices and banks, and in Cooperatives associated with Agribusiness. He contributed to the development of society by acting as Assistant Secretary in the Secretariat of Science and Technology and in the Secretariat for Development and Promotion of Investment of the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. He has academic experience with articles published in the main national and international journals associated with Engineering Production, Administration and Business. He formed more than 70 masters and 10 doctors positioned in large companies and educational institutions. Has applied research and consolidated scientific contributions in the areas of: Business Engineering, Strategy, Structure and Processes, Production Strategy, Industrial Policy and Economic Development, Competitiveness and Innovation, Cooperatives Platform, Toyota Production System and Theory of Constraints. Currently, his area of interest has been expanded to the themes of digitization, digital businesses and electric vehicles. In addition to promoting the competitiveness of private and public organizations, he is one of the authors of books that are a reference in related topics: Production System: Concepts and Practices for Projects and Lean Production Management, A Revolution in Productivity - Profitable Management of Workplaces, Management of Innovation and Competitiveness in Brazil, Rowing Against the Tide: Industrial Policy and Economic Development in Rio Grande do Sul and Design Science Research - Research Method for the Advancement of Science and Technology.

Jose Carlos da Silva Freitas Junior

Jose Carlos da Silva Freitas Junior

Doutor em Administração

Ph.D. in Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), with a period as a visiting scholar at Simon Fraser University (Canada). Master’s in administration from Unisinos and master’s in military Operations from the Army Officers School. Mentorship training (Mentor School, 2020). He has held management positions in public agencies and has experience of over twenty years with leadership development. Co-founder of Liderarte - space for training and intervention, focused on personal and professional development. At Unisinos he is a Professor in the PPG in Management and Business, and he is co-leader of the research group in Leadership and People Management. The main topics of interest are leadership, people management, digital capabilities, and digital transformation.

Luis Felipe Maldaner

Luis Felipe Maldaner

Doutor em Estudos Latino Americanos

PhD in Latin American Studies. He holds a degree in Business Administration from FEEVALE, a Master in Business Administration from UNISINOS and a PhD in Latin American Studies from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in South Korea. He has been an employee of Banco do Brasil for more than 36 years, having held several positions, among which the Deputy Superintendent of Rio Grande do Sul and the Regional Superintendent in Porto Alegre, Novo Hamburgo, and Florianópolis - SC. In 2007 he was assigned to Seoul in South Korea where he was to install the Banco do Brasil office, and remained until December 2012. From 2013 to 2015 he was Director of Participation and Innovation at Badesul and from 2015 to 2018 he was Director of Unitec / Unisinos and Tecnosinos CEO. Writer of literary fiction books, short stories, and novels.

Marcelo André Machado

Marcelo André Machado

Doutor em Administração
Marcelo Jacques Fonseca

Marcelo Jacques Fonseca

Doutor em Administração
Marcos Tadeu Caputi Lelis

Marcos Tadeu Caputi Lelis

PhD in Economics

Professor at the Economics Program, Unisinos University, Brazil. Ph.D. in Economics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS - Brazil) with publications in international journals, A1 and A2. He is a Research Fellow at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). He is currently the Coordinator of the Competitiveness and International Economics Research Group, developing research in partnership with public and private institutions in Brazil.

Patricia Martins Fagundes Cabral

Patricia Martins Fagundes Cabral

Doutora em Psicologia

PhD in Psychology (PUCRS, 2008) Master in Administration (PUC-Rio, 1999), Psychologist (Unisinos, 1993). Specialization in Corporate Ontological Coaching (Universidad San Sebastian - Chile, 2017) and Training in Mentoring (School of Mentors, 2020). Visiting Professor at the WOP-P Erasmus Mundus (University of Coimbra-PT, 2013). At Unisinos, she is a PPG Tenured Professor in Management and Business, coordinates a research group on Leadership and People Management, works on the Professional Master's Degree in Educational Management, and is a member of the Research Ethics Committee. She worked for 11 years in the Human Resources area, and has more than 25 years of experience as a consultant in the areas of organizational behavior, leadership and people management.

[GERAL] Rodapé