Unisinos Postgraduate - Production and Systems Engineering (MSc/PhD) - In person - São Leopoldo
Academic Master

Production and Systems Engineering (MSc/PhD)

In person - São Leopoldo


São Leopoldo


2 years

Course recommended by Capes

Grade 4


Based on the current scenario experienced by organizations, which demand new skills for their operational activities, the Academic Masters in Production and Systems Engineering at UNISINOS focuses on academic excellence and business realities.

Supported by new developments in the area and the analysis of national and international cases, the Academic Masters in Production and Systems Engineering aims to train human resources effectively trained to transform the reality of the organizations where they work, collaborating for regional development and the generation of actions of entrepreneurship and innovation in the field of Production and Systems Engineering.

The Academic Masters in Production and Systems Engineering promotes advanced scientific and technological research related to the area, is recommended by CAPES, and evaluated with the concept 4. The following evaluation for the 2017-2020 quadrennium will take place in 2021.

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Emphasis: Production Management

PPGEPS has only one concentration area called Production Management. This area of concentration is understood as the development and use of production management techniques and mathematical methods in modeling, simulation, and optimization to support decision-making in the engineering of products and industrial processes. The area has two lines of research: Productivity Planning and Control and Business Systems Modeling.

Imagem da Área de concentração

Lines of action

Addresses advanced solutions to modeling and analysis of complex problems and to support the decision-making process in scenarios characterized by simultaneous interaction of multiple variables.

The area of Competitiveness Planning and Management is an interface of specific knowledge developed by Production Engineering, Management and Industrial Economics. It encompasses modern and relevant issues from the point of view of economic, social, and environmental development.


Discover the projects developed in the line of action:

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Master's Degree Curriculum

The master's degree consists of 24 credits, including required courses and 7 optional courses. The optional courses are structured according to the areas of study. In addition to the credits of courses, to earn the master's degree students are required to develop a thesis and have it approved in a public defense.

Required Course (3 credits) keyboard_arrow_down

- Research Methodology (3 credits)

Optional Courses - Area of study: Business Systems Modeling (21 credits) keyboard_arrow_down

- Quantitative Methods (3 credits)
- Structuring and Troubleshooting Methods in Production Engineering (3 credits)
- Information Technology (3 credits)
- Computer Simulation (3 credits)
- Modeling Applied to Logistics (3 credits)
- Quality Engineering (3 credits)

Optional Courses - Area of study: Competitiveness Planning and Management (21 credits) keyboard_arrow_down

- Supply Chain Management (3 credits)
- Production Management I (3 credits)
- Inter-organizational Logistics Management (3 credits)
- Industrial Costs (3 credits)
- Sales and After-Sales Operations Management (3 credits)
- Production Planning and Programming (3 credits)
- Service Operations Management (3 credits)
- Organizational Sustainability (3 credits)

Common Optional Courses keyboard_arrow_down

- Production Management II (3 credits)
- Strategic Operation Management (3 credits)
- Seminars on Research I (1 credit)
- Seminars on Research II (1 credit)
- Seminars on Research III (1 credit)

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The student of the Production and Systems Engineering Graduate Program has at your disposal a faculty composed mostly of masters, doctors and post-doctor, with national and international training and recognized professional experience.




Andre Luis Korzenowski

Andre Luis Korzenowski

Doutor em Engenharia de Produção

Works at the interface between companies and academia in the application of optimization tools, multicriteria analysis, modeling, simulation, pattern recognition and multivariate methods to support managerial and operational decision-making.

Daniel Pacheco Lacerda

Daniel Pacheco Lacerda

Doutor em Engenharia de Produção

Dr. Daniel Pacheco Lacerda holds a PhD degree in Production Engineering from COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil. He is associate professor and coordinator of the BSc program in Production Engineering at UNISINOS, Brazil. He also leads a number of applied research in large companies, such as FIOCRUZ/Bio-Manguinhos, PETROBRAS, TRANSPETRO, JBS, AGDI, SEBRAE/RS, SESI, and VALE. He has a long list of academic recognitions, including an Emerald Literati Award, recognitions for supervising dissertations awarded by the Brazilian Academy of Production Engineering (2013, 2014, 2015, and 2018), awarded Productive Researcher by the Brazilian Research Council in 2017, and he was recently identified as the 12th most prolific author in the world on the theory of constraints.

Debora Oliveira da Silva

Debora Oliveira da Silva

Doutora em Engenharia de Produção
Gabriel Sperandio Milan

Gabriel Sperandio Milan

Doutor em Engenharia de Produção Sistemas de Qualidade

Post-Doctor in Administration (UFRGS). PhD in Production Engineering in the Area of Quality Systems (UFRGS). Master in Production Engineering in the Area of Quality and Service Management (UFRGS). Productivity in Research Scholarship (CNPq). Coordinator of the MBA in Business Management. Former CEO of SAMAE - Serviço Autônomo de Água e Esgoto de Caxias do Sul (RS). Business Consultant, in the strategy and market area, and Member of the Board of Directors of some enterprises.

José Antonio Valle Antunes Junior

José Antonio Valle Antunes Junior

Doutor em Administração

PhD in Administration from UFRGS and professor and researcher in the master's and doctorate at the Polytechnic and Management and Business Schools at UNISINOS. In terms of projects applied to the industry, he has over 30 years of professional experience working with the main companies in the country, in the following sectors: automation, bus bodies, Road Building, agricultural machines and implements, footwear, paints, biodiesel, naval/marine, beverages, furniture, light motor vehicles, dairy products, liquid bulk, pharmaceutical and civil construction, in the services sector: hospitals, post offices and banks, and in Cooperatives associated with Agribusiness. He contributed to the development of society by acting as Assistant Secretary in the Secretariat of Science and Technology and in the Secretariat for Development and Promotion of Investment of the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. He has academic experience with articles published in the main national and international journals associated with Engineering Production, Administration and Business. He formed more than 70 masters and 10 doctors positioned in large companies and educational institutions. Has applied research and consolidated scientific contributions in the areas of: Business Engineering, Strategy, Structure and Processes, Production Strategy, Industrial Policy and Economic Development, Competitiveness and Innovation, Cooperatives Platform, Toyota Production System and Theory of Constraints. Currently, his area of interest has been expanded to the themes of digitization, digital businesses and electric vehicles. In addition to promoting the competitiveness of private and public organizations, he is one of the authors of books that are a reference in related topics: Production System: Concepts and Practices for Projects and Lean Production Management, A Revolution in Productivity - Profitable Management of Workplaces, Management of Innovation and Competitiveness in Brazil, Rowing Against the Tide: Industrial Policy and Economic Development in Rio Grande do Sul and Design Science Research - Research Method for the Advancement of Science and Technology.

Miguel Afonso Sellitto

Miguel Afonso Sellitto

Doutor em Engenharia de Produção

Lead research in the areas of Production Management, Strategy and Organizations. Research interests in Production Management include manufacturing management, logistics and supply chain management, advanced manufacturing and flexible manufacturing systems, and industrial maintenance. Research interests in Strategy and Organizations include green supply chain management, production strategy, chaos and complexity, and performance measurement.

Miriam Borchardt

Miriam Borchardt

Doutora em Engenharia de Produção

Miriam Borchardt worked for more than 15 years, as an engineer and manager, in companies of the Siemens and Andreas Stihl AG groups. In the academic area, his research areas are manufacturing and service operations management and quality management systems, sustainable development, social business, among others. It combines the achievement of practical results that add value to organizations with academic relevance through international partnerships and high impact publications. Research Productivity scholarship by CNPq.

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