Unisinos Postgraduate - Design (MSc/PhD) - In person - Porto Alegre
Academic Master

Design (MSc/PhD)

In person - Porto Alegre


Porto Alegre


2 years

Course recommended by Capes

Grade 5


Unisinos Graduate Program in Design uses the perspective of strategy to investigate the design method. The emphasis on Strategic Design prioritizes the study of strategies developed by Design to drive the design action and, above all, the organizational action towards innovation and sustainability.

These strategies are developed by Design in a process that involves all of its performance ecosystem: the organizational environment (design agencies, companies, and other organizations), market, society, and environment. Thus, the design process is considered and developed in the scope of multiple relations established in the design action, with relevant methodological implications. The Strategic Design focus is displaced from the design process in itself for the set of relations these ecosystems develop among themselves.

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Emphasis: Strategic Design

The Strategic Design focus is characterized by studying the strategies developed by Design to guide design action and, above all, organizational action towards innovation and sustainability. These strategies are elaborated by Design in a process that involves its entire operating ecosystem: the organizational environment (design offices, companies and other organizations), the market, society and the environment. Here, the design process is considered and developed in the context of the multiple relationships established in the project action: the focus moves from the design process itself to the set of relationships that these ecosystems develop among themselves.

Imagem da Área de concentração

Lines of action

This area analyses the state-of-the-art of Design, considering the context of the contemporary culture and the creative systems that take into account consumers and user experiences, the production of sense and technologies, aesthetic practices, cultural policies, as well as the structures and strategies in organizations.

Teachers: Fabricio Tarouco, Filipe Campelo Xavier da Costa, Ione Maria Ghislene Bentz.

This area analyzes the elaboration of design processes in the development of product-service systems. Such studies contemplate methodologies, social technologies, and innovation in their modeling and prototyping.

Teachers: Carlo Franzato, Débora Baraúna, Guilherme Englert Corrêa Meyer, Gustavo Severo de Borba.


Discover the projects developed in the line of action:

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Master's Degree Curriculum

The Master's Degree consists of 30 credits, referring to the required courses (14 credits) and optional courses (12 credits). The thesis consists of four credits.

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Compulsory Master keyboard_arrow_down

- Design Culture (3 credits)
- Strategic Design (3 credits)
- Metadesign (3 credits)
- Final Thesis (6 credits)

Optional Courses keyboard_arrow_down

- User Experience (3 credits)
- Co-creation and Innovation Ecosystems (3 credits)
- Contemporary Culture and Aesthetics (3 credits)
- Experimentation in Strategic Design (3 credits)
- Processes of Signification and Communication (3 credits)
- Special Topics in Design (3 credits)
- Advanced studies in Design (3 credits)
- Qualitative Research Methods (3 credits)

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The student of the Design Graduate Program has at your disposal a faculty composed mostly of masters, doctors and post-doctor, with national and international training and recognized professional experience.


Ana Paula Da Rosa

Ana Paula Da Rosa

PhD in Communication Sciences

Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2012), and master?s in Communication and Languages ??from Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (2008). Post-doctorate in Communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (2018). Leader of the research group Circulation, Image, and Mediatization Laboratory (LACIM). Areas of interest: mediatization, circulation, image, studies of the imaginary, media frameworks.

Gustavo Daudt Fischer

Gustavo Daudt Fischer

Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação

Ph.D in Communication Sciences from the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2008) and master?s in Communication at the same institution. He is one of the leaders of the research group Audiovisual and Techno-culture: communication, memory, and design (TCAV). He is coordinator of the INTERCOM Television and Tele-visuality Studies Research Group (2020-2021). Areas of interest: audiovisuals, digital interfaces, web, memory of and in the media, media archeology.

Maria Clara Jobst De Aquino Bittencourt

Maria Clara Jobst De Aquino Bittencourt

Doutora em Comunicação e Informação

Ph.D. and Master?s in Communication and Information from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Post-Doctorate in Communication Sciences from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS/2015. Area of interest: digital journalism; convergence; network activism; communication market; innovation, and violence and gender issues.

[GERAL] Rodapé