Unisinos Postgraduate - Communication (MSc/PhD) - In person - São Leopoldo
Academic Master

Communication (MSc/PhD)

In person - São Leopoldo


São Leopoldo


2 years

Course recommended by Capes

Grade 7


The Master's degree course aims to strengthen professional and academic knowledge, providing qualifications to communicators, researchers, practitioners, and university professors. It encourages knowledge production through the exercise of research and the development of a capacity for theoretical and methodological systematization and the critical analysis of communication phenomena. The Communication Sciences program offers training of excellence, performed by a qualified teaching staff which brings together professors with solid academic and market experience. Also, the program is recommended by CAPES and rated 6. The master's degree focus is on media processes in a communicational perspective, that is, addressing social interactions mediated by technologies in any spheres of social exercise and culture.

The master's degree course lasts up to 24 months, with the first year focusing on disciplines and seminars. From the second year onwards, efforts concentrate on the dissertation completion, a fundamental requirement for the conclusion of the course.

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Emphasis: Media Processes

The Program focuses on media processes from a communicational perspective, addressing social interactions mediated by technologies in any sphere of the social exercise. In this viewpoint, we investigate cultures and communication systems involving strategies of production, appropriation, and circulation of products of an interactive and informative nature, both by observing specific objects in these angles, and studying the relationships among them, as well as their implications for the society, the identity of participating subjects, and the general culture. We also investigate the role of these media processes and their logic and strategies in the configuration of the most diverse social environments.

Imagem da Área de concentração

Lines of action

Researches audiovisual media and technological convergence from the cultural, political and philosophical perspectives. Develops theoretical and methodological research on production meaning and production, circulation and consumption of audiovisual media with an emphasis on their aesthetics, languages and techniques, cultural changes, strategies and the political economy of media.

Researches media processes and their development into journalistic products. Addresses production routines, contexts, messages and the configuration of memory in today’s mediatized society. Covers specific theoretical frameworks of journalism from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Studies media processes with a focus on cultural identity and sociabilities, the role of citizenship in social movements, the dynamics of sociotechnical networks, and communication technologies. Communicational and mediatic instances of production, products and reception are studied through experimentation of multimethodological approaches, both qualitative and quantitative.

Addresses the social interactions and interpretative processes related to media that enable its circulation based on mutual determinations between production, reception and social criticism. Mediatization is understood as the impact of contemporary media on society, which, in turn, has expectations and challenges regarding the media. Based on these issues, proposes continued reflection on Communication as a field of knowledge.


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Master's Degree Curriculum

The Master’s Degree Program in Communication consists of thirty (30) credits, being twelve (12) related to required activities and eighteen (18) related to optional activities, which students are expected to take as follows:

  • Two (2) required disciplines in the area of study ("Theories of Communication" and "Research in Communication" (6 credits);
  • Thesis (6 credits)

Optional credits keyboard_arrow_down

- At least six (6) credits in disciplines in the Line of Research students are connected to;
- At least six (6) credits in Topics, Intensive Seminars, Socialization Events or disciplines related to other Lines of Research. Three (3) of these credits may be taken in another Graduate Program, provided this is duly authorized by the Supervisor or the Graduate Program Coordination.

Required Courses (6 credits) keyboard_arrow_down

- Communication Theories (3 credits)
- Communication Research (3 credits)
- Topics (relating to area of study selected)
- Intensive Seminars (relating to area of study selected)

Disciplines - Area of study: Audiovisual Processes and Media keyboard_arrow_down

- Audiovisual Elements in the Media (3 credits)
- Audiovisual Research (3 credits)
- Audiovisual Economics and Politics (3 credits)
- Audiovisual

Disciplines - Area of study: Journalism Languages and Practices keyboard_arrow_down

- Media, Language and Journalism (3 credits)
- Production of Journalistic Events (3 credits)
- Criticism of Journalistic Practices (3 credits)

Disciplines - Area of study: Culture, Citizenship and Communication Technologies keyboard_arrow_down

- Media, Cultural Identity and Citizenship (3 credits)
- Media Technologies and Cultures (3 credits)
- Multimethodological Research on Media Production and Reception (3 credits)

Disciplines - Area of study: Mediatization and Social Processes keyboard_arrow_down

- Mediatization: Society and Meaning (3 credits)
- Mediatization: Methodological Contributions (3 credits)
- Empiric Studies on Mediatization (3 credits)


The student of the Communication Graduate Program has at your disposal a faculty composed mostly of masters, doctors and post-doctor, with national and international training and recognized professional experience.




Alberto Efendy Maldonado G.De La Torre

Alberto Efendy Maldonado G.De La Torre

PhD in Communication Sciences

Ph.D. in Communication Sciences (USP/1999) and Post-doctorate in Communication, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2004-2005). General Coordinator of the AMLAT Network: Communication, Citizenship, Education, and Integration in Latin America and Processocom research group. Professor at the Graduation Program in Communication Sciences. Area of ??interest: Epistemology; Communicational Citizenship; Latin America; Methodologies; Interculturality.

Ana Paula Da Rosa

Ana Paula Da Rosa

PhD in Communication Sciences

Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2012), and master?s in Communication and Languages ??from Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (2008). Post-doctorate in Communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (2018). Leader of the research group Circulation, Image, and Mediatization Laboratory (LACIM). Areas of interest: mediatization, circulation, image, studies of the imaginary, media frameworks.

Gustavo Daudt Fischer

Gustavo Daudt Fischer

Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação

Ph.D in Communication Sciences from the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2008) and master?s in Communication at the same institution. He is one of the leaders of the research group Audiovisual and Techno-culture: communication, memory, and design (TCAV). He is coordinator of the INTERCOM Television and Tele-visuality Studies Research Group (2020-2021). Areas of interest: audiovisuals, digital interfaces, web, memory of and in the media, media archeology.

Jiani Adriana Bonin

Jiani Adriana Bonin

Doutora em Ciências da Comunicação

Ph.D in Communication Sciences from Universidade de São Paulo (2001), Post-doctorate from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (2009). She is the leader of the Research Group PROCESSOCOM and researcher of the AMLAT Network ? Comunication, Citizenship, Education and Integration in Latin America. Area of interest: Media Reception; Mediatizated Culture and memories; Sociocommunication movements, Comunicative Citizenship; Educommunication and Comunication Research Methodologies.

Jose Luiz W.J.Gomes Braga

Jose Luiz W.J.Gomes Braga

Doutor em Ciências da Informação e da Comunicação

Ph.D in Communication from Université de Paris II, Institut Français de Presse (1984). Master?s in Education from Florida State University. Post-doctorate from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2009). Areas of interest: Communication research methods; media critique; mediatization, interactional processes, learning.

Maria Clara Jobst De Aquino Bittencourt

Maria Clara Jobst De Aquino Bittencourt

Doutora em Comunicação e Informação

Ph.D. and Master?s in Communication and Information from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Post-Doctorate in Communication Sciences from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS/2015. Area of interest: digital journalism; convergence; network activism; communication market; innovation, and violence and gender issues.

Pedro Gilberto Gomes

Pedro Gilberto Gomes

Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação

Ph.D. from the School of Communication and Arts at Universidade de São Paulo (XX). Vice Rector at Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). He is the vice leader of the research group Mediatization and Social Processes. Full Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication Sciences at Unisinos, in the Research Line Mediatization and Social Processes. Areas of interest: Communication, media, and religions.

Ronaldo Cesar Henn

Ronaldo Cesar Henn

Doutor em Comunicação e Semiótica

Ph.D and master?s in Communication and Semiotics from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1994 and 2000). Post-doctorate from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2016). He is the leader of the Research Group on Cyber-Event Research (LIC). Areas of interest: production and proliferation of events on digital networks and platforms, cyber-journalism, digital social networks, trans-narratives, semiotic processes.

Suzana Kilpp (Pesquisador Voluntário)

Suzana Kilpp (Pesquisador Voluntário)

Doutora em Ciências da Comunicação

Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. She coordinates the research group Audiovisuals of Tecnocultura: Communication, Memory, and Design (TCAv). Areas of interest: audiovisual techno-culture, audiovisuals, television, art, and media history, audiovisual techniques, and aesthetics.

Tiago Ricciardi Correa Lopes

Tiago Ricciardi Correa Lopes

Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação

Ph.D. and Master?s in Communication Sciences from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Member of the Audiovisual and Technoculture Research Group (TCAv). Academic manager of UNISINOS undergraduate courses. Areas of interest: digital technoculture, audiovisual, memory, locative media.

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