Unisinos Postgraduate - Applied Linguistics (MSc/PhD) - In person - São Leopoldo
Academic Master

Applied Linguistics (MSc/PhD)

In person - São Leopoldo


São Leopoldo


2 years

Course recommended by Capes

Grade 6


Based on inter and transdisciplinary perspectives, Unisinos Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics, Master’s Level, promotes investigations in the area of language to qualify professionals in the field of Languages, as well as in other fields, who are interested in studying language. The program, which is recommended by CAPES with grade 5, presupposes the expansion of areas related to the studies of language, as it focuses on Technologies and interaction.

Thus, it opens the possibility of innovative works in the area, such as the ones that propose interfaces with textual issues, information technologies, and specialized languages terminologies. The relationship with the universe of work is also explored in research that investigates the interactional events that mark the relationships in the world of work.

Aiming to further advance investigations in Applied Linguistics, the Program encompasses research about several themes based on different theories that feed their areas of research. It is the only Graduate Program to offer a Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics in the south of the country.

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Emphasis: Language, technology and interaction

Based on the concentration area "Language, Technology and Interaction", this Post-Graduation Program (PGP) has as its starting point a conception of interaction assumed as an interactional event, which produces constitution of senses group activities in the most different contexts. The focus on technology enables this PGP to go beyond frontiers and face the challenges for the formation of subjects capable of acting in the scientific-technological revolution. The role of the subject in the virtual world reaches a wider dimension, alongside the themes related to artificial languages, creation of ontologies, interface with the world of work and, more broadly, the language facts present in human relations that accompany this Program.

Imagem da Área de concentração

Lines of action

The objective of this area of study is to develop research that investigates linguistic phenomena in the scope of teaching-learning in formal or informal education contexts. Studies on discourse practices and interaction in the school environment are welcome, considering their relations with sociocultural and historical contexts.

The objective of this area of study is to develop studies related to linguistic-discursive phenomena within the text and situated in interactional contexts. Studies of media and scientific discourses are emphasized, as well as research in the field of Lexicography and Terminology, with emphasis on Pedagogical Lexicography and the use of professional languages.

The goal of this area of study is to develop research that investigates discursive practices from the perspective of interaction, which is understood as an interactional event in itself and as a joint activity of constitution of meanings. This line develops and directs research projects interested in investigating interactional and discursive phenomena involved in the scope of social interaction, in different contexts such as: companies, families, schools, hospitals, doctor's offices, etc.


Discover the projects developed in the line of action:

View Research projects

Master's Degree Curriculum

The Master's Degree Program consists of 30 credits, including thesis. Students may take Required Courses (Two courses, relating to 6 credits), Optional Courses (up to 18 credits or 6 courses), scientific production dissemination activities (up to 3 credits), and courses connected with other Graduate Programs (up to 6 credits). The thesis, developed throughout the course, consists of six credits.

Required Courses (6 credits) keyboard_arrow_down

- Research Seminar in Applied Linguistics (3 credits)
- Linguistic Theories (3 credits)

Optional Courses (up to 18 credits) keyboard_arrow_down

- Theories of Language Acquisition and Development (3 credits)
- Language and Technology (3 credits)
- Language and Interaction (3 credits)
- Native Language Learning (3 credits)
- Foreign Language Learning (3 credits)
- Declarative-Discursive Analytical Perspectives (3 credits)
- Advanced Seminars in Applied Linguistics (3 credits)
- Text/Discursive Genres and Types (3 credits)
- Social-Interactional Analytical Perspectives (3 credits)
- Models of Semantic Representation (3 credits)
- Study Seminars (3 credits)
- Teaching Internship (2 credits)


The student of the Applied Linguistics Graduate Program has at your disposal a faculty composed mostly of masters, doctors and post-doctor, with national and international training and recognized professional experience.

Cátia De Azevedo Fronza

Cátia De Azevedo Fronza

Doutora em Linguística e Letra

Areas of study: Language acquisition, Phonetics and Phonology, Oral/written relation with a focus on inclusion issues.

Dorotea Frank Kersch

Dorotea Frank Kersch

Doutora em Filologia Românica

Areas of study: Native language teaching, Linguistic Education, Teacher training, (multi)Literacies, Critical Media Literacy, Identities, Linguistic attitudes and Bilingualism.

Eliane Schlemmer

Eliane Schlemmer

Doutora em Informática na Educação

Areas of study: Digital Education, Hybrid and Multimodal Education, OnLIFE Education, Virtual Learning Environments, Metaverses - 3D Digital Virtual Worlds, Games and Gamification, Communicative Agent, Virtual Learning and Practice Communities , Inventive Methodologies, Connective Ecosystems of Innovation in Education, Multi-tools and Teacher Training.

Maria Eduarda Giering

Maria Eduarda Giering

Doutora em Linguística e Letras

Areas of study: Discourse Analysis, Discourse of Scientific Dissemination, Discourse of Scientific Popularization, Media discourse, Legal discourse, Language and Technology, Technodiscourse, Argumentation, Scientific literacy.

Sandro José Rigo

Sandro José Rigo

Doutor em Computação

Professor and Researcher at UNISINOS, since 1995 Postdoctorate in Machine Learning at Friedrich-Alexander Universitat, Erlangen/Germany PhD in Computer Science at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Innovation consultant (FINEP/Brazil) Fellow in Productivity in Technological Development and Innovative Extension (DT-2) (CNPq) Research areas: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Biomedical Engineering, Semantic Web.

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