Unisinos Postgraduate - Psychology (MSc/PhD) - In person - São Leopoldo
Academic Doctorate

Psychology (MSc/PhD)

In person - São Leopoldo


4 years

Course recommended by Capes

Grade 5


The Unisinos Graduate Program in Psychology, PhD level, aims to develop research and academic reflection on topics relevant to the Area of Concentration and its Lines of Research. It aims to train and improve, at the postgraduate level, teachers, researchers and professionals with scientific maturity and a level of depth in their education that enables a differentiated contribution in the field of knowledge production in Clinical Psychology, both nationally and internationally. The profile of the graduate includes professors prepared for higher education in Psychology, with conditions to promote qualification and innovation in the courses to which they are linked; teachers, researchers and professionals with an ethical, reflective, critical attitude, with social implications, sensitivity to the problems of their region and the capacity to undertake efforts in the face of these regional demands and teachers, researchers and professionals confronted by unprecedented problems and circulation in transdisciplinary spaces.

The Doctorate course seeks to deepen research skills, critical reflection on psychological clinic, scientific writing and teaching at its different levels. The curricular structure covers the domain of the epistemological foundations of the sciences and their implications for the construction of knowledge in Clinical Psychology, the different research methods in Clinical Psychology, the continuing reflection on the social and ethical implications of research in Psychology, as well as the capacity to undertake efforts in the face of regional demands, as well as the development of skills for teaching in Psychology.

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Emphasis: Clinical Psychology

The psychological clinic, understood in an expanded perspective, takes into account the social transformations and needs of the contemporary world, being defined by ethics and by the commitment to the complexity of human experience. Guided by a paradigm that privileges health, resilience and the promotion of the subjects' potentialities, it covers the development and evaluation of both preventive and therapeutic interventions.

Imagem da Área de concentração

Lines of action

Focuses on the understanding of different forms of psychological distress, manifestations and possibilities of psychotherapeutic intervention. Studies the psychotherapeutic process and results, possibly including individual, group and family interventions.

Addresses health-disease processes and their psychological manifestations related to the work, school and hospital environment. Studies possibilities of mental health promotion and prevention in institutional contexts.


Discover the projects developed in the line of action:

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To earn the Doctoral Degree in Psychology, students are required to complete at least 36 credits, distributed as follows: 10 credits of required courses; at least 16 credits of optional courses; and 10 credits of publication and presentation of scientific papers. Teaching Internship is worth 4 credits (required for CAPES scholarship students and optional for other students). Students who choose not to do the Teaching Internship are required to complete these 4 credits with optional courses. Each of both Areas of Study will offer 4 optional courses exclusively for the doctoral degree, plus 3 courses that may be taken by Master's and PhD students. Additionally, 4 courses common to both areas of study will be offered for PhD students, plus 7 courses for both PhD and Master's students

Required Courses (to be completed during the 1st and 2nd semester) keyboard_arrow_down

- Research Seminar in Clinical Psychology I (3 credits)
- Research Seminar in Clinical Psychology II (3 credits)

Required Courses (to be completed between the 1st and 4th semester) keyboard_arrow_down

- Seminar on Dissertation I (1 credit)
- Seminar on Dissertation II (1 credit)
- Seminar on Dissertation III (1 credit)
- Seminar on Dissertation IV (1 credit)

Optional Courses - Area of Study 1: Psychopathological States and Psychotherapeutic Approaches Contemporary Approaches to Psychoanalysis: Theory and Research (3 credits) keyboard_arrow_down

- Research Instruments and Methods in Psychotherapy (3 credits)
- Systemic Paradigm: history and epistemology (3 credits)
- Family therapy: intervention and research (3 credits)
- Clinical Care of Children and Adolescents (2 credits)
- Psychopathological States and Contemporary Suffering (2 credits)
- Research on Psychotherapy (2 credits)

Optional Courses - Area of Study 2: Health-Disease Processes in Institutional Contexts keyboard_arrow_down

- Cognition Models in Health Care (3 credits)
- Clinical Health Psychology Paradigms (3 credits)
- Research Methodology Applied to Health (3 credits)
- Research and Early Intervention in Institutional Contexts (3 credits)
- Clinical Practices and Research in Institutions (2 credits)
- Health-Disease Processes (2 credits)
- Mental Health Prevention and Promotion (2 credits)

Optional Courses Common to Areas of Study 1and 2 keyboard_arrow_down

- Designs for Research in Clinical Psychology (3 credits)
- Workshop on Scientific Writing (3 credits)
- Advanced Statistics (3 credits)
- Topics for Research in Clinical Psychology (3 credits)
- Clinical Practice (4 credits)
- Legal Psychology (2 credits)
- Clinical Aspects of Violence (2 credits)
- Statistics Applied to Psychology (2 credits)
- Workshop on Text Production (2 credits)
- Teaching Internship (2 credits)
- Teaching Internship II (2 credits)
- Special Topics (1 credit)
- Higher Education Methodology (3 credits)

Other Activities keyboard_arrow_down

- To earn the Doctoral Degree in Psychology students are required to have a scientific paper published or accepted for publication on a subject related to their dissertation, by the date scheduled for their dissertation defense. This paper is to be published in an A1, A2, B1 or B3 journal, according to CAPES Qualis classification for the area of Psychology. Publication is worth 6 credits. Additionally, students are required to present 2 scientific papers addressing themes related to their research at two national and/or international events. Presentations will be worth 2 credits each. For completion of the Doctoral Degree in Psychology, students will be recommended to do a 2-semester Teaching Internship in courses of the Undergraduate Program in Psychology, preferably given by the PhD candidate's advisor. Each semester will be worth 2 credits. This activity is required for CAPES scholarship students. For the other students it is optional but strongly recommended and encouraged as it is included in the number of required credits of optional courses. Students who choose not to do the Teaching Internship are required to complete these 4 credits with optional courses.

Doctoral Dissertation keyboard_arrow_down

- PhD students are required to present and defend, with approval, their Dissertation Project beforeto an Examination Board before they enroll for the fifth term, i.e., by the end of the fourth semester. Later, students are required to present and defend, with approval, their PhD dissertation within 48 months of admission to the Doctoral Degree program. This deadline may be extended for a maximum of 6 months. The PhD dissertation should consist of 3 scientific articles, at least 2 of which must be empirical.


The student of the Psychology Graduate Program has at your disposal a faculty composed mostly of masters, doctors and post-doctor, with national and international training and recognized professional experience.

Clarisse Pereira Mosmann

Clarisse Pereira Mosmann

Doutora em Psicologia

Coordinator of the Center for Studies in Couples and Families (NECAF). Conducts research on the following topics: Systemic Psychological Clinic: dynamics of family and marital functioning, Conjugality, coparenting and psychopathology of childhood and adolescence: evaluation and treatment. Marital Conflict and Parent and Child Resolution Strategies: Assessment, Diagnosis and Clinical Intervention.

Denise Falcke

Denise Falcke

Doutora em Psicologia

Coordinator of the Center for Studies in Family and Violence (NEFAV). She conducts research on the following topics: Domestic violence: prevention and intervention, Transgenerationality, Dynamics of family and conjugal functioning, Psychological assessment and treatment of couples and families in risk situations.

Ilana Andretta

Ilana Andretta

Doutora em Psicologia

Coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies in Psychotherapy and Psychopathology (LAEPSI). She conducts research with the following themes: psychotherapy change processes, psychotherapy assessment instruments and measures, multicultural skills of psychotherapists, mental health and psychopathology.

Janine Kieling Monteiro

Janine Kieling Monteiro

Doutora em Psicologia

Coordinator of the Labor Clinic Laboratory (LABORClínica). Profa Monteiro works at the School of Health in Psychology and Nursing courses. She conducts research with the following themes: Health / mental illness and work, Psychodynamic of work clinic, Assessment of psychosocial risks at work, Bulling at work.

Murilo Ricardo Zibetti

Murilo Ricardo Zibetti

Doutor em Psicologia

Coordinator of MIND-Lab (Laboratory of Measurement and Intervention on Neurocognition through Development). Currently, he conducts research on the following topics: development and cross-cultural adaptation of psychological assessment tools for psychotherapy and clinical neuropsychology, dimensional and transdiagnostic models of psychopathology, interfaces between neurosciences, psychophysiology, and new technologies applied to mental health.

Priscila Goergen Brust Renck

Priscila Goergen Brust Renck

Doutora em Developmental Psychology

Director of the Cognition and Health Laboratory (LAPECS). She researches the role of cognitive processes in prevention and health promotion using a cognitive-behavioral approach within the field of Clinical Health Psychology on the following topics: decision-making process, risk perception and communication, innovation in health services, effect of cognitive processes on health, translational research, quantitative methods.

Rebeca Veras de Andrade Vieira

Rebeca Veras de Andrade Vieira


Postdoctoral scholar by the National Postdoctoral Program / Capes (PNPD / Capes). Conducts research on the following topics: Health psychology, Primary headaches, Development, adaptation and validation of instruments, Cognitive behavioral therapy.

Tagma Marina Schneider Donelli

Tagma Marina Schneider Donelli

Doutora em Psicologia

Coordinator of the Baby-Related Studies Center (CER Bebê). She works mainly on issues related to pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, motherhood and fatherhood, relational and interaction processes of the baby with parents or substitutes, early symptoms, psychosomatic phenomena in childhood, clinical interventions in child care institutions, as well as on topics related to health and hospital areas.

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