Unisinos Postgraduate - Education (MA/PhD) - In person - São Leopoldo
Academic Doctorate

Education (MA/PhD)

In person - São Leopoldo


São Leopoldo


4 years

Course recommended by Capes

Grade 6


Currently rated as maximum evaluation by CAPES Foundation, the course graduates Ph.D. in Education. The Program aims that a Ph.D. student in Education has a training of excellence. At the end of the course, it is expected that the graduated will be able to: (a) take up the role as a researcher in Education; (b) produce consistent theoretical and methodological knowledge; (c) engage in the national and international scientific knowledge in the field; (d) join research groups focused at collective production of knowledge; (e) act in the training of researchers at the master's and doctoral level; (f) teaching in higher education in articulation with research and extension, and (g) to advise undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students, based on the values learned during their doctoral training.

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Emphasis: Education

The Graduate Program in Education offers Masters and Doctorate courses in the field of Education. It promotes appropriation, production, and circulation of knowledge in Education through the development of studies and research of excellence. Currently, it is organized into three lines of research: Education, History, and Politics; Teacher Training, Curriculum, and Pedagogical Practices; Education, Development, and Technologies.

Imagem da Área de concentração

Lines of action

It investigates policies and processes connected to education in different historical configurations. Approaches educational processualities regarding the different teaching levels and modalities, as well as those that transcend these school spaces. Investigates issues related to the history of education, management and educational policies, in a dialogue with the international scenario.

It is focused on curricular issues and teachers' training in different educational spaces, levels, and schooling modalities. It investigates the constitution of subjects and difference, by approaching them in the context of policies that engender them, as well as their historical ties.

The area investigates the relations involving Education, Development, and Technology in the scope of formal and non-formal educational processes in different modalities, problematizing issues of political, social-historical, cultural, and technical orders. Researches and produces methodologies in the interface with the shaping of citizenship and development technologies and projects.


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The doctoral degree consists of 30 credits, organized in two broad dimensions, theoretical and empirical, distributed between required and complementary activities. The six complementary credits will be fulfilled according to the plan of study submitted and approved by the Program coordination. In this modality, credits taken in other Unisinos graduate programs or accredited national or foreign higher education institutions are accepted, as well as credits obtained in seminars with visiting professors, promoted by the Program.

Required Courses (18 credits) keyboard_arrow_down

- Research in Education (3 credits)
- Research Methodologies (3 credits)
- Field of Research Seminar: 1, 2 & 3 (3 credits)
- Advanced Seminar (3 credits)
- Research Practice (2 credits)
- Research Practice (2 credits)
- Scientific Production (2 credits)

Complementary Activities (12 credits) keyboard_arrow_down

- Topics of Educational Research (2 credits)
- Research Practice (2 credits)
- Research Practice (1 credit)
- Thematic Seminar 1 (1 credit)
- Thematic Seminar 2 (2 credits)
- Directed Reading 1 (1 credit)
- Directed Reading 2 (2 credits)

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The student of the Education Graduate Program has at your disposal a faculty composed mostly of masters, doctors and post-doctor, with national and international training and recognized professional experience.

Check here the criteria for Teaching Accreditation at PPGEDU.

Betina Schuler

Betina Schuler

Doutora em Educação

Pedagogue, Master and PhD in Education. Post-doctoral Fellowship in Education (University of Lisbon) and Human Sciences (Griffith University, Australia). Tenured Professor in the School of Humanities and in the Post-Graduation Program in Education at Unisinos. Leader of the Research Group “Carcarás: Group of Study and Research in philosophical education, reading and writing”. Participant in the Network of Groups of Research in Philosophical Education. Topics of study: philosophical education, reading and writing practices in the school and modes of subjectivation, literature, childhood. Teaching experience in Early Childhood Education and Elementary School.

Carlos Alfredo Gadea Castro

Carlos Alfredo Gadea Castro

Doutor em Sociologia Política

Post-doctorate at the University of Miami (Center for Latin American Studies, USA). Visiting Professor at Universität Leipzig, Germany (DAAD, 2015-2016). Doctor in Political Sociology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. History professor (IPA, Uruguay). Researcher 1C, CNPq. Areas of interest: Contemporary Social Theories, Latin-American Cultural Studies, Urban violence, Ethnic-racial studies, Youth and Culture.

Eli Terezinha Henn Fabris

Eli Terezinha Henn Fabris

Doutora em Educação

Elí Terezinha Henn Fabris has a master’s and a PhD degree in Education from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and a post-doctoral degree from Universidade do Porto, Portugal. Elí Fabris has wide teaching experience in most levels. Elí Fabris’ areas of interest and research include Teacher education, relationship between University and basic education schools, contemporary teaching and teaching practices.

Eliane Schlemmer

Eliane Schlemmer

Doutora em Informática na Educação

Areas of study: Digital Education, Hybrid and Multimodal Education, OnLIFE Education, Virtual Learning Environments, Metaverses - 3D Digital Virtual Worlds, Games and Gamification, Communicative Agent, Virtual Learning and Practice Communities , Inventive Methodologies, Connective Ecosystems of Innovation in Education, Multi-tools and Teacher Training.

Isabel Aparecida Bilhao

Isabel Aparecida Bilhao

Doutora em História

PhD in History from UFRGS, investigates History of Education in relation to the Social History of Work in Brazil throughout the Republican Period. Guides research that links History of Education to ethno-racial relations, social movements and the worlds of work.

Luciane Sgarbi Santos Grazziotin

Luciane Sgarbi Santos Grazziotin

Doutora em Educação

Post-doctorate at UNED in Madrid (CAPES scholarship, 2017), PhD in Education, emphasis on History of Education by PUCRS (2008). He did a sandwich doctorate at the Classic University of Lisbon (2007). He did a Master of Science (1991) and an undergraduate degree in Biology. She coordinates the selection committee for admission to PPGEdu at UNISINOS (2012-2020), coordinator of the research line Education History and Policies at PPGEdu UNISINOS. She is an SBHE and ASPHE member, Vice-president of this management association (2011-2013). It belongs to the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education / ANPED. Leader of the research group EBRAMIC- Education in Brazil: memory, institutions and school culture (CNPq), participates in the group Personal Archives, Heritage and Education and participated in the research group Memories and Stories of the school in Rio Grande do Sul: Do Deutscher Hilfsverein to Colégio Farroupilha (1858-2008), (CNPq), closed in 2018. He is a member of the editorial board of Revista Licencia & acturas - ISEI, is co-editor of Revista Espacio Tiempo y Educación (University of Valladolid / ES) and Revista História da Education (ASPHE) 2017 - 2019. She is currently a professor and researcher in the undergraduate and graduate programs in Education at the School of Humanities at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos / UNISINOS. She works in line of research 1: Education, History and Policies. She has experience in the areas of History of Education and Research Methodology. She researches the following themes related to the History of Education: Memory and Oral History, School Culture, Institutions and Educational Historical heritage. Red Iberoamericana participant for research and diffusion of historical and educational heritage (RIDPHE) under the coordination of prof. Dra. Maria Cristina Menezes / UNICAMP. It has a PQ2 CNPq-ORCID scholarship

Maria Claudia Dal Igna

Maria Claudia Dal Igna

Doutora em Educação

Professor in teaching courses and in the Post-Graduation Program in Education at Unisinos. Experience as a basic education teacher in public and private schools, and in non-school settings as well. Researcher in the Interinstitutional Group of Research on Teaching, Pedagogies and Differences (GIPEDI/UNISINOS/CNPq) and in the Group of Studies on Education and Gender Relations (GEERGE/UFRGS/CNPq). Her investigations focus on the following topics: gender teaching teacher education teaching: affection, love and care teacher professionality pedagogy: area of knowledge and profession. In accordance with #maternidadenolattes movement, she makes a point of saying that she is the mother of twin girls.

Maria Julieta Abba

Maria Julieta Abba

Doutora em Educação

PhD in Education at the Postgraduate Program in Education at the UNISINOS University. Master's degree in Educational Policies and Administration at the UNTREF University (Argentina). College degree in International Relations at the UNCPBA University (Argentina). Conducts research related to the themes of internationalization of higher education, comparative education, public policy, regional integration, interculturality, and decolonial studies. Coordinates the Centro de Estudos Internacionais em Educação (CEIE).

Maura Corcini Lopes

Maura Corcini Lopes

Doutora em Educação

PhD and Master in Education (UFRGS) BA Degree in Special Education (UFSM) Coordinates the Group for Study and Research on Inclusion (GEPI/Unisinos/CNPq) is researcher in the Interinstitutional Group on Deaf Education and integrates the Research Network on Inclusion, Learning and Technologies in Education (RIIATE) and the Research Network on Education and Contemporary Thinking (RIEPCO).

Mauricio dos Santos Ferreira

Mauricio dos Santos Ferreira

Doutor em Educação

PhD and Master at PPGEdu UFRGS in the line of research Cultural Studies. Coordinates the undergraduate course of Pedagogy and the UNISINOS/Capes Pedagogical Residence Program. Investigates new neoliberal arrangements in the field of Education and the power of teaching as a condition of resistance and creation, focusing on processes of subjectification and ethical/aesthetic formation related to contemporary media, audiovisuals and images.

Paulo Sergio Fochi

Paulo Sergio Fochi

Doutor em Educação

PhD in Education in the line of Didactics and Teacher Training (USP), with a doctoral internship at the Universidad de Barcelona (Spain) Master in Education in the line on Childhood Studies (UFRGS), with an internship abroad at Universidad Publica de Navarra (Spain) Child Education Specialist (Unisinos) Specialist in School Management and Organization (Unopar) Pedagogue (Unopar). Professor of the Pedagogy course, Coordinator and professor of the specialization course in Early Childhood Education and collaborating professor in Doctoral programs in Education at Unisinos. Coordinator of the Observatory of Child Culture - OBECI. Collaborating researcher at Contextos Integrados em Educação Infantil (USP / CNPq). Member of Associação Criança (Braga, Portugal). Member of the Working Groups on Education 0-3 years old and Participatory Pedagogies and Praxiological Research of the European Association for Research in Early Childhood Education (Europen Early Childhood Education Research Association - EECERA). He has worked in several works with the Ministry of Education, among them, as one of the four consultants for the elaboration of the Common National Curricular Base for Early Childhood Education. He works in advising private schools in addition to Municipal Education Networks and cultural and artistic productions for children. He has published specifically in the field of Childhood Pedagogy, Early Childhood Education, Babies, Pedagogical Documentation and Teacher Training.

Roberto Rafael Dias Da Silva

Roberto Rafael Dias Da Silva

Doutor em Educação

PhD in Education from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Professor at the School of Humanities and the Graduate Program in Education at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Leader of the Study and Research Group on Curriculum, High School and Contemporary Youth - GEPCEM (Unisinos / CNPq). He is currently a CNPq Research Productivity Scholar - Level 2. He works as Editor of the magazine Educação UNISINOS.

Rodrigo Manoel Dias Da Silva

Rodrigo Manoel Dias Da Silva

Doutor em Ciências Sociais

Doctor in Social Sciences at the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Master in Social Sciences at the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos and a degree in Education at the Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul. Experienced in Sociology of Education, and investigares mainly the folowing themes: education, citizenship, territories, cultural expressions and heritage education.

Rosangela Fritsch

Rosangela Fritsch

Doutora em Educação

Coordinator of the Research Group on Educational Policies and Educational and School Management (PPGE / e). Member of the Research Practice Community Curriculum, Evaluation, Training and Educational Technologies (CAFTe) / University of Porto / Portugal, of the Ibero-American Network of Studies on Professional Education and School Dropout (RIMEPES) / UFMG, History, Policy and School Management Basic / UNISINOS and Labor Education and Knowledge / UFRGS. Academic Director of the Brazilian Association for the Prevention of School Dropout in Basic, Professional and Higher Education (ABAPEVE). Areas of interest: Public Policies, Educational Policies, Curriculum Policies, Educational and School Management, Educational Evaluation and Quality Indicators.

Viviane Ines Weschenfelder

Viviane Ines Weschenfelder

Doutora em Educação

Viviane has a Ph.D. and a Master's degree in Education from Unisinos University, with a doctoral internship at the University of Wisconsin - Madison/USA. She is graduated in History and Pedagogy. Viviane has experience with teacher training at different educational levels. She works with themes related to Multicultural Education, the processes of exclusion, inclusion, and diversity in school and non-school environments.

Viviane Klaus

Viviane Klaus

Doutora em Educação

Doctoral and master's degree in Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS. Undergraduate degree in Pedagogy – Bachelor of Education at the University of the Sinos Valley – UNISINOS. Experience in teaching and management in Elementary and Higher Education (undergraduate and graduate courses). Among the areas of interest are the following: educational policies, management and entrepreneurism of education.

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