Unisinos Postgraduate - Biology (MSc/PhD) - In person - São Leopoldo
Academic Doctorate

Biology (MSc/PhD)

In person - São Leopoldo


4 years


São Leopoldo

Course recommended by Capes

Grade 4


The PhD Program in Biology at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), was implemented in 2006 and it is focused on Diversity and Wildlife Management. The PhD Program is part of the Area of Biodiversity from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), linked to the Brazilian Ministry of Education, and it has CAPES 5 concept, which 7 is the maximum level.

In 2020, the Program a total of 74 students with a PhD degree. The 4-year (48 months) PhD Program comprises a period in which the student must take courses to obtain 28 credits, of which 8 refer to the defense of the PhD thesis. The PhD Program has two types of scholarships from the Graduate Support Program for Community Institutions with Graduate Degree Programs (PROSUC/CAPES): fee and full scholarships. The fee-based scholarship includes the payment of school fees only, while the full-time scholarship includes payment of the scholarship to the student as well as the school fees. The PhD's research lines are divided into three (03): I – Systematics and Phylogeny; II –Population and Community Ecology; III – Management and Biodiversity Conservation. These lines of investigation and the activities and disciplines of our PhD Program enable our future professionals to teach in higher education level and to conduct scientific research using new technologies for the management and conservation of Biodiversity.

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Emphasis: Diversity and Wildlife Management

The Concentration Area of ​​the Diversity and Wildlife Management Program aims to qualify professionals for research and teaching in areas of Biology, related to biological diversity, ecology, the management of populations and ecosystems, sustainability, the diagnosis and coping with environmental problems through the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge to society in order to contribute to the improvement of the socioenvironmental quality of Brazil.

Imagem da Área de concentração

Lines of action

Inventory and development of neotropical biota taxonomical studies. Analysis of their phylogenetic relations based on morphological, ecological, and molecular data in a biogeographical context. Study of functional morphology and evolutionary biology, with an emphasis on neotropical organisms;

Acknowledgement of patterns and processes regarding the structure and functioning of populations and communities. Analysis of the effects brought by anthropic and natural disturbances in the dynamics of groups of organisms. Identification of reproductive models & strategies, as well as spatial-temporal distribution of species;

Development of studies focusing on the conservation of species and ecosystems. Recognition of priority areas for conservation. Development of management practices to monitor and minimize impacts on biodiversity. Setting up interactions with the production sector for the sustainable use of natural resources.


Discover the projects developed in the line of action:

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PhD Curriculum

The doctoral degree consists of 36 credits, including dissertation. Students must complete Required Courses (4 courses, worth 9 credits), Required Courses with choice (with choice of activities totaling 13 credits) and Optional Courses (with choice of activities totaling 15 credits). Dissertation, developed throughout the course, is worth 8 credits.

Disciplinas Obrigatórias (9 créditos) keyboard_arrow_down

- Bioestatística I (2 créditos)
- Bioestatística II (3 créditos)
- Ecologia de Campo I (3 créditos)
- Seminários de Pesquisa II (1 crédito)

Disciplinas Obrigatórias com escolha (a totalizar 13 créditos) keyboard_arrow_down

- Delineamento Experimental (2 créditos)
- Ecologia de Comunidades (2 créditos)
- Ecologia e Manejo de Ecossistemas (2 créditos)
- Ecologia e Manejo de Populações (2 créditos)
- Fundamentos de Sistemática e Filogenia (2 créditos)

Disciplinas Optativas (15 créditos) keyboard_arrow_down

- Biologia da Conservação (2 créditos)
- Biomonitoramento (2 créditos)
- Comunicação Científica (2 créditos)
- Ecologia de Áreas Úmidas (2 créditos)
- Ecologia Microbiana (2 créditos)
- Genética da Conservação (2 créditos)
- Limnologia (2 créditos)
- Manejo e Conservação de Mamíferos (2 créditos)
- Monitoramento e Manejo de Vertebrados (2 créditos)
- Tópicos Especiais (2 e 3 créditos)
- Manejo de Agroecossistemas (2 créditos)
- Publicação de artigos, livros, capítulos; Revisão de Periódicos Científicos; Participação em Eventos Científicos com apresentação de trabalho; Coorientação de Iniciação Científica, Estágio de Docência ou Desenvolvimento de atividades de extensão (5 créditos)


The student of the Biology Graduate Program has at your disposal a faculty composed mostly of masters, doctors and post-doctor, with national and international training and recognized professional experience.

Alexandro Marques Tozetti

Alexandro Marques Tozetti

Doutor em Ecologia

Graduated in Biological Sciences at the Universidade de São Paulo, where he also obtained his PhD (2007) in Ecology. He is coordinator of the Laboratório de Ecologia de Vertebrados Terrestres, leading studies on ecology, evolution and natural history with an emphasis on amphibians and reptiles. Homepage: www.tozettilab.org

Joice Cagliari

Joice Cagliari

Doutora em Geologia sedimentar

Assistant professor and researcher of the Graduate Program of Geology at the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Graduated in Environmental Engineering with a master's and doctoral degree in Geology in the areas of artificial intelligence and stratigraphic modeling. Carries out research in Geosciences focused on sedimentology, cyclostratigraphy, isotopic geology, geologic modeling, and surface and groundwater pollution.

Juliano Morales De Oliveira

Juliano Morales De Oliveira

Doutor em Ecologia

PhD in Ecology (2007) at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), with a doctorate internship at Technical University of Munich (Germany). He works on basic and applied ecological research, mainly on vegetation responses to environmental (climatic) and anthropic factors, management of agricultural, urban and natural ecosystems, and sustainable development through the use and conservation of biodiversity.

Larissa Rosa De Oliveira

Larissa Rosa De Oliveira

Doutora em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Genética)

She investigates themes related to Conservation Biology, Ecology and Genetics of Populations, Environmental Education and the application of Geoinformatics tools for the conservation of biodiversity. Moreover, she investigates conservation problems, in particular the effects of climate change on aquatic mammals. She recently turned her research towards understanding conflicts between humans and fauna, in order to understand and seek solutions to the dilemmas of biological conservation and human well-being.

Luciana Paulo Gomes

Luciana Paulo Gomes

Doutora em Engenharia Hidráulica e Saneamento

PhD in Hydraulic Engineering and Sanitation from the University of São Paulo (USP) in São Carlos (EESC/USP). Develops research in the areas of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation, packaging, sweeping, collection, and transport, MSW treatment (including recycling) and final disposal, health service waste and industrial effluent and leachate treatment, as well as life cycle analysis.

Luiz Gonzaga Da Silveira Junior

Luiz Gonzaga Da Silveira Junior

Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica
Maria Virginia Petry

Maria Virginia Petry

Doutora em Biociências (Zoologia)

PhD in Biosciences (Zoology) from PUCRS, professor and researcher of the Graduate Program in Biology at Unisinos, with an emphasis on Ornithology working in Ecology of populations and bird community and in the Conservation of Antarctic and Brazilian sea birds. She coordinates projects investigating threats to migratory birds and the implications for the conservation of these species in partnership with Conserve Wildlife Fundation of New Jersey.

Mauricio Roberto Veronez

Mauricio Roberto Veronez

Doutor em Engenharia Civil

Received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in transportation engineering from the University of São Paulo at the São Carlos School of Engineering State University, Brazil. He has held ecturer and professor positions at Unisinos University, where he cocreated and coheads the Vizlab | X-Reality and GeoInformatics Lab. His research interests include Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Remote Sensing, Digital Imaging, Urban and Regional Planning and 3D immersive visualization with a strong bias on Geoinformatics and AI applications

Rodrigo Scalise Horodyski

Rodrigo Scalise Horodyski

Doutor em Geociências

Dr. Horodyski's focuses on taphonomy, paleoecology, paleoenvironments, biotic crises, bioevents and extinctions. Projects involve establishing regional and global patterns of stratigraphy, sea-level and biotic changes across the Phanerozoic. He is a corresponding member in Brazil of the International Subcomission on Devonian Stratigraphy. He also research on biotic and environmental changes in the Anthropocene.

Uwe Horst Schulz

Uwe Horst Schulz

Doutor em Biologia

PhD in Natural Sciences from the University of Bielefeld, Germany. Research areas include aquatic ecology, environmental assessment through bioindication and environmental management.

Victor Hugo Valiati

Victor Hugo Valiati

Doutor em Genética e Biologia Molecular

Biologist, PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Master's and doctoral advisor in the Graduate Program in Biology. Coordinator of the Genetics, Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Toxicology Laboratories. Current research within the group is organized around three interdisciplinary themes: molecular ecology, molecular systematics, phylogeography, conservation genetics, forensic genetics, microbiota and microbiomes, genomics, bioprospecting of microorganisms and genes for bioremediation.

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