Design para Democracia #3


A proposta do terceiro encontro do ciclo Design para Democracia | Stand Up For Democracy é discutir a dimensão ética da ação do designer na perspectiva da promoção de processos e cenários mais democráticos. Neste sentido, pretende-se aprofundar os princípios que motivam, influenciam, disciplinam ou orientam quem age na perspectiva democrática, neste caso específico, o designer.

Da mesma forma, quer-se refletir sobre quais são as normas e os valores que fundamentam e/ou teriam que fundamentar o agir do designer, e como suportar e promover instâncias democráticas que poderiam se refletir nas seguintes quatros dimensões: (1) design da democracia; (2) design para democracia; (3) design na democracia; (4) design como democracia. E ainda, como estas normas e valores se integram na prática profissional? Como o designer as usam no dialogar e promover o diálogo com outros atores? Como teriam que usá-las?

A relevância da discussão está na potencialidade dos designers de dar forma a novos sentidos e portanto realidades: no fazer isso precisam refletir e promover pelas próprias ações os valores fundantes das mesmas.

Convidamos para a mesa de debate o Prof. Dr. Guilherme Meyer do PPG Design Unisinos, Prof. Dr. Marcelo Fonseca do PPG Gestão e Negócios Unisinos e Vitor Ortiz, membro da equipe de coordenação da Virada Sustentável POA.

O ciclo Design para Democracia | Stand Up For Democracy é uma iniciativa do SeedingLab, laboratório de pesquisa em design estratégico para inovação cultural e social, em resposta à carta de Ezio Manzini e Victor Margolin. A carta pode ser lida na íntegra em:

_______ SERVIÇO __________
Dia: 12 de setembro – terça-feira
Horário: 18:30 às 21:30
Local: Unisinos Porto Alegre – Avenida Nilo Peçanha, 1640 – Sala 803
Realização: SeedingLab

Sobre os convidados:

Prof. Dr. Guilherme Meyer possui Pós-Doutorado pela UFSC (2012), Doutorado em Design pela PUC-Rio (2010), Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Regional pela FURB (2007), Especialização em Ensino de Artes Visuais pela UDESC (2004) e Graduação em Design Gráfico e Design de Produto pela UDESC (2002). Atualmente é professor e pesquisador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design da Universidade do Vale dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Tem desenvolvido pesquisas sobre o papel dos artefatos na construção de conhecimento em design e sobre o problema da negociação nos processos de design, ambos a partir dos Estudos Sociais da Ciência e Tecnologia (STS).

Prof. Dr. Marcelo Fonseca possui Graduação em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG (1994), Mestrado em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS (1999) e Doutorado em Administração pela UFRGS (2011). Vinculado à Unisinos desde 1999, onde é Professor Adjunto, atua como professor e pesquisador do Programa de Pós-graduação – Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Negócios (MPGN Unisinos), como Coordenador Executivo do Curso de Administração – Gestão para Inovação e Liderança e como Coordenador do Instituto de Pesquisa de Mercado (IPM-Unisinos). Áreas de atuação incluem Administração de Empresas, Marketing e Pesquisa do Consumidor, com interesse de pesquisa nos temas: dimensões socioculturais, simbólicas e globais do consumo e dos mercados; dinâmicas de formação e desenvolvimento de mercados; consumo e sustentabilidade; práticas cotidianas de consumo; e pesquisa do consumidor e de marketing. Atua, também, com consultoria nas áreas de pesquisa de mercado, gestão de clientes e planejamento estratégico.

Vitor Ortiz é um dos organizadores da Virada Sustentável de Porto Alegre; foi ex-Secretário de Cultura de Viamão, São Leopoldo e Porto Alegre. Dirigiu a Funarte no Rio de Janeiro e foi secretário-executivo do MINC na gestão da ex-Ministra Ana de Hollanda. Atua como gestor e produtor cultural. Jornalista, voltou à UFRGS recentemente para se graduar em história, área em que é autor e pesquisador.

Call for Papers | Strategic Design Research Journal Special Issue

Autonomía | Design strategies for enabling design process

Vol. 11, n. 3 (Sept-Dec 2018), Strategic Design Research Journal Special Issue

Guest editors: Chiara Del Gaudio, Andrea Botero and Alfredo Gutierrez Borrero

Information for Contributors

The past decades have seen multiple calls for a reorientation of the design disciplines away from the established functionalist, rationalist, and industrial traditions dominant for most part of their history. New epistemological bases and practices that enable design processes to embrace complexity and to more accurately reflect broad changes in societies are being explored from both critical and mainstream positions. Amongst them we can mention: the understanding of the potentiality of design to lead societal transitions and envision new paradigms by focusing on solutions that are appropriate to local social and environmental conditions while addressing global issues (see e.g.: Irwin et al., 2015); the calls for recognizing and acknowledging people’s empirical knowledge as resources for co-creation (see e.g.: Sanders and Stappers, 2008); propositions for understanding that people are constantly designing and redesigning their lives and that design experts have to use their expertise to support individual and collective projects (see e.g., Manzini, 2015); attempts at empowering non-designers in creative processes to support participation and collaboration (Schuler and Namioka, 1993) and the articulation of new forms of design citizenship and activism (see e.g.: Papanek, 1973; Julier, 2011); the interest in a design practice that acts towards allowing and promoting the expression of dissent to reveal power relations and conflicts, and challenge common practices and discourses (Disalvo, 2010); and the experimentation of new forms of observing, moving, describing and imagining the local environment in a relationship of constant engagement with local inhabitants, based on imagining a joint field between design and anthropological practices (see e.g.: Anastassakis, 2013). Even if not a comprehensive list of current trends, those listed are equally important, components of the growing call for a significant reorientation of design.

Particular recent developments foster a deeper reflection on whether design, and other modernist practices, can actually contribute to the development of those communal human-non human assemblages  that are necessary for a transition towards more sustainable and plural ways of being. As the anthropologist Arturo Escobar (2016) stresses, this seems to be quite a challenge for design, even for the above mentioned trends.  In addressing this question, Escobar suggests that the calls for autonomy emerging from mobilized grassroots communities in Latin America -amongst others – can act as interesting signposts for design, and that new forms of design practice that acknowledge and work with-in an autonomy framework can be key contributors to this reimagining of our collective futures (Escobar, 2012; Escobar, 2016, 2017)**. In his analysis, there are promising examples of collectives fostering and developing concrete ways of “changing tradition traditionally”, and processes that foster the idea of “changing the ways we change” (Escobar, 2016, p.140), which Escobar summarizes under the idea of autonomía.

Drawing from contemporary understandings of autopoiesis and autonomy, autonomía can be understood as a “cultural, ecological and political process that involves autonomous forms of existence and decision making” (Escobar, 2016, p. 141). From the perspective of design and designing, this means supporting conditions for collectives to be able to effect change and to change according to their traditions allowing “every community [to] practice the design of itself” (Escobar, 2016, p. 16). A framework of autonomía seems to challenge some (current) widespread design practices for community empowerment, where unspecified interest in doing good through collaboration or by fostering a re-socialization of design are not sufficient. Instead, working towards enabling and fostering autonomía, brings radical changes in design perspective: it means to incorporate into design practices the relational dimension of life, which also imply more communal and relational modes of knowing, being and doing.  This might also involve working with other types of designs, including “designs from the South” (see e.g.: Gutierrez Borrero, 2015; Tunstall, 2016) and a decolonizing of design (Tlostanova, 2017

Building on the idea of autonomía, we ask ourselves: What is the relation between autonomía, design practices and the political activation of relational and communal logics and ways of being, in current research and design practice? Which existing design practices and approaches could be seen as contributing to communal forms of autonomía? If so, how do they do it, what tactics and strategies they mobilize? (see e.g.: Marttila and Botero 2016; Mitrašinović, 2016). Given that the boundaries between “enabling designing”, “designing with” and “designing for” are difficult to set and are constantly changing, are designers and the collectives they work with aware of autonomía? Should they be? Is autonomía a good guiding principle for design practice?

Design’s role in facilitating, leading, impeding, imposing, and persuading through design ideas has implications for the ways we live and the worlds we create. This is particularly important if one considers that designs most established practices stem from the dualist ontology associated with patriarchal capitalist modernity.  The framework of autonomía envisions a design praxis that actively deals with the complexity of the design process itself and its implications in world-making processes. It does so particularly by adopting a relational (e.g., nondualist or post-dualist) ontological design perspective. In this special issue, we seek original contributions – conceptual and theoretical analysis as well as case studies or empirical findings – that critically engage with one (or more) of the questions raised here (and above):

  • Can design’s modernist tradition be reoriented towards relational modes of knowing, being and doing? How? And what are the limits of this change?
  • Can design be creatively re-appropriated by subaltern communities (has it been already?) in support of their own struggles and forms of livelihood, and of strengthening their autonomy to perform their life projects, on their own terms?
  • How can we nourish design’s potentiality towards transition far from the hegemony of modernity’s one-world ontology to a pluriverse of social-nature configurations?
  • Are the concepts of autonomía and the communal, largely developed from Latin American cultural experiences and political struggles, applicable to situations in, say, the Global North, including urban areas?
  • What kinds of adaptations would these notions, and the concept of “autonomous design,” have to undergo in order to be fruitfully applied in these contexts?  In fact, is autonomía a good concept for thinking critically about design practice at present?
  • Are there already identifiable examples of practicing “autonomous design”? What kind of meanings they produce within the communities that practice and are made by them? Moreover, which are the main features of these practices? And, what insights they offer for the re-orientation of mainstream design?
  • Finally, we invite contributors to reflect on present and previous design projects: how do they deal (or not) with the concept of autonomía?


(**) NOTE: While the concept of autonomía (in the sense used in this Call for Papers) has been mostly discussed in Spanish (esp in: Escobar, 2016) there are a couple of recent publications in English that deal with it. In particular Escobar (2017) can serve as good reference for English speakers and for Spanish speakers (or others) writing in English (which might tend to relate the concept with an individualistic understanding of it, that is perhaps more common in the English uses of the word autonomy). Copies of that article can be made available upon request sent to the editors of this special issue. We are aware that in an ideal world this would need to be a multilingual issue, however due to resource constraints, only submissions in English will be accepted. However as guest editors, we hope this is only but the beginning of a longer dialogue in many contexts and languages.



ANASTASSAKIS, Z. 2013. Ethnographic Observatory of Design and Social Innovation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In: Participatory Innovation Conference PIN-C 2013, 3, Lahti, 2013. Proceedings… Lahti, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, 1: 188-192.

DISALVO, C. 2010. Design, democracy and agonistic pluralism. In: Design research society conference, 44, Montréal, 2010. Proceedings…. Montréal, 1: 366-371.

ESCOBAR, A. 2012. Notes on the Ontology of Design. In: M. LA CADENA; M. BLASER (ed.), Sawyer Seminar, Indigenous Cosmopolitics: Dialogues about the Reconstitution of Worlds,  vol. 30.

ESCOBAR, A. 2016. Autonomia y Diseño: La realización de lo communal. 1st ed., Popayan, Universidad del Cauca, 281 p.

ESCOBAR, A.  2017. Response: Design for/by [and from] the ‘global South.’ Design Philosophy Papers, 15(1):39-49.

GUTIÉRREZ BORRERO, A. 2015. Resurgimientos: sures como diseños y diseños otros. Nómadas, 43:113-129.

IRWIN, T.; TONKINWISE, C.; KOSSOFF, G. 2015. Transition Design Provocation. Design Philosophy Papers, 13(1):3-11.

JULIER, G. 2011. Political Economies of Design Activism and the Public Sector. In: Nordic Design Research Conference, 4, Helsinki, 2011. Nordes, 1-8. Available at: Accessed on: June 1 , 2017.

MANZINI, E. 2015. Design, When Everybody Designs. Cambridge, MIT Press.

MARTTILA, S.; BOTERO, A. 2016. Bees, drones and other Things in public space: Strategizing in the city. Strategic Design Research Journal, 9(2):75-88.

MITRAŠINOVIĆ, M. 2015. Concurrent Urbanities. Designing infrastructures of inclusion. New York, Routledge, 224 p.

PAPANEK, V. 1973. Design For The Real World: Human ecology and social change. 2nd ed.,  Chicago, Academy Chicago Publishers, 1973.

SCHULER, D.; NAMIOKA, A. (eds.). 1993. Participatory Design: Principles and Practices. Hilsdale, CRC/Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

TLOSTANOVA, M. 2017. On decolonizing design. Design Philosophy Papers, 15(1):51-61.

TUNSTALL, E. 2016. Respectful Design AIGA (full). Toronto, AIGA Design Conference. Available at: . Accessed on: June 1, 2017.


Suggested references

ESCOBAR, A. 2015. Transiciones: a space for research and design for transitions to the pluriverse. Design Philosophy Papers, 13(1):13-23.

MORIN, E. 2015. Introdução ao pensamento complexo. 5th ed., Porto Alegre, Editora Sulina, 120 p.

SALAZAR, J.F. 2017. Buen Vivir: South America’s rethinking of the future we want. Available at: . Accessed on: June 1, 2017.

SANDERS, E. 1999. Postdesign and Participatory Culture. In: Useful and Critical: The Position of Research in Design, 1, Tuusula, Finland, 1999.  Proceedings… Helsinki, University of Art and Design, p. 87-92.



 July 2017: Launch of the call for papers

Full paper due: November 30th, 2017

Notification of Review results: February 28th, 2018

Deadline for submission of the final version: April 15th, 2018

Final acceptance: June 15th, 2018

Publication: September 1st, 2018


Submission guidelines

  • Manuscripts must be prepared using the guidelines found at the Submission page (
  • The manuscript must be written in English.
  • Previously published articles will not be accepted. Submitted articles must not be under consideration for publication anywhere else. The publication of the article is subjected to the previous approval of the journal’s Editorial Board, as well as to peer review made by, at least, two reviewers using the double blind review process.
  • Manuscripts must be sent through the journal’s online submission system. You have to register in the platform in order to submit your article:


If you have questions regarding the submission process, contact the journal at

Design para Democracia #2


Design e Cidadania no Espaço Urbano é o segundo encontro do ciclo “Design para Democracia | Stand Up For Democracy” em resposta à carta dos designers Ezio Manzini e Victor Margolin:

Objetiva-se discutir de forma mais geral as diferentes práticas de projeto, não só o design, e como elas contribuem para promoção da cidadania no contexto urbano.

Neste encontro, convidamos o professor e pesquisador Eber Marzulo do PROPUR/UFRGS e as arquitetas Paola Maia e Taiane Beduschi da AH! Arquitetura Humana.

Na ocasião, haverá a abertura da exposição de fotografias de Leonardo Savaris e performance musical de um trecho do espetáculo Aláfia – Caminhos e Encruzilhada por Bruno Amaral e Lucas Carvalho.

18:30-18:50 – Chegada do público e exposição fotográfica de Leonardo Savaris
18:50-19:10 – Performance musical – trecho do espetáculo Aláfia – Caminhos e Encruzilhada por Bruno Amaral e Lucas Carvalho
19:10-19:20 – Introdução pelo mediador (Unisinos)
19:20-19:40 – Fala do pesquisador (Eber Marzulo – PROPUR/UFRGS)
19:40-20:00 – Fala das projetistas (Paola Maia e Taiane Beduschi – AH! Arquitetura Humana)
20:00-20:30 – Trocas entre os integrantes da mesa redonda promovidas pelo mediador
20:30-21:30 – Trocas entre integrantes da mesa e público participante

Dia: 10 de agosto – quinta
Horário: 18:30 – 21:30
Local: Espaço Cultural Correios
Endereço: Rua Sete de Setembro, 1020 – Praça da Alfândega
Evento gratuito
Realização: SeedingLabUnisinos
Apoio: Espaço Cultural Correios

Design para Democracia #1


Em resposta à carta dos designers Ezio Manzini e Victor Margolin intitulada “Stand Up for Democracy”, o SeedingLab (Grupo de Pesquisa em Design Estratégico para Inovação Cultural e Social e filiado à DESIS Network) criou um ciclo de eventos para debater o papel do Design para a Democracia: para questioná-la, fortalecê-la, rompê-la, recriá-la… em suma, para dar voz e vez a uma cidadania renovada, ciente de seu papel e seu agir.
Convidamos a comunidade do Design de Porto Alegre a responder conosco esse chamado!

De junho até o final do ano teremos encontros mensais, com formatos diferentes, onde iremos estimular a discussão, a troca e a ação projetual.
O primeiro encontro traz a professora Maria Helena Weber (UFRGS) para falar sobre Democracia e Mídias.

>>> Evento gratuito. Entrada sujeita a lotação da sala <<<

Acesse a carta de Manzini e Margolin traduzida para o português:

# Onde: UNISINOS POA – Av. Dr. Nilo Peçanha, 1640. Sala 807.
# Data: 11/07, terça-feira
# Horário: das 18h30 às 21h00

___ MARIA HELENA WEBER ________________________________
Professora Titular da UFRGS e Coordenadora do projeto Observatório de Comunicação Pública (OBCOMP). Doutora em Comunicação e Cultura pela UFRJ e mestre em Sociologia pela UFRGS, onde se formou em Comunicação Social. Sua produção científica e atividades estão vinculadas a temáticas sobre comunicação política, comunicação pública e comunicação organizacional; comunicação e regimes políticos; sistemas e produção de comunicação. Exerceu cargos de representação como vice-presidente da COMPÓS – Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação e secretária da COMPOLITICA – Associação de Pesquisadores em Comunicação e Política.

Link para o evento no Facebook: